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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 890

Anthony was not angered by Sue's words. He stared at her with a delightful smile and teased, "Don't forget that I have bought you. You are going to be my wife soon."

"You…" Sue was still not in the state of mind to take these words casually. She was indeed upset about this, but couldn't do anything to change the situation. Darting a cold glance at Anthony, she refuted, "I didn't ask you to buy me."

"Yes, yes, yes, you didn't ask for that. I did it out of my wish," Anthony continued to tease her. He enjoyed the short bitter sweet fight with Sue and smiled at every expression of anger on Sue's face. After a long time he felt peaceful and happy from within. It was evident from his behavior that finally he was contented.

But Laura didn't enjoy this much. She interrupted the young couple and spoke with a frown, "Let's eat something to fill our stomach. Sue hasn't eaten anything for a long time. She has to eat something for her health and for the baby."

"Good idea," Anthony agreed with a nod. Sue didn't say anything, so he turned to ask Sue's opinion, "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't want to eat," Sue replied impatiently. "I just want to go back now."

"Then let's go to Hong Fu Restaurant. It has really good cooks. Let's order fish soup for you. It's their special dish. It's popular, nutritious, and healthy." Anthony decided for Sue, completely ignoring what she had said.

"You…" Sue was so angry that she couldn't even find any word to say. It seemed that she had no control over anything anymore -- not even whether she wanted to eat or not. Hence, she just got into the car with much reluctance.

Sue could not decipher the reason behind the sudden change in Anthony. It was so quick and abrupt that it was unbelievable for her. The same person who had been so indifferent to her even when they were together was now so much devoted to her that he even agreed to pay an hefty amount of money just in order to marry her!

Anthony was so caring towards her that he booked the table and ordered the dishes on their way there, so once they reached the restaurant, the waiter would just lead them in and serve them the dishes straight away. He booked a private room, as he didn't want Sue to be annoyed by the noise of other customers eating there.

When they were eating, Laura kept filling Sue's plate with the meat, vegetables and desserts. She was so hospitable that there was no room for Sue to refuse. Though she did not feel like eating, Sue took a few bites.

Ever since she had become pregnant, she had completely lost her appetite for food, so she only finished a small portion in her bowl. She put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth gently, and said flatly, "I'm full."

"So fast?" Laura questioned with a frown.

"It's Okay, Sue," Anthony said to Sue after exchanging looks with Laura and asking her not to force Sue to eat. "Well, if you don't want to eat now, that's fine. Later if you have appetite again, tell me and I'll buy for you."

Sue was unhappy with the answer. Though Antony looked happy and sorted, Sue was still fighting her inner dilemma. Her mind was restless and wanted a clarification. It seemed that Anthony was not going to talk about it anyway, so she started, "Anthony, I think we need to talk and make things clear between the two of us. I don't want to see anything going astray."

After a pause, Sue continued in a cold tone, "I think we already agreed, that we've broken up. Why are you still doing this?"

Laura frowned at Sue's words with discontent and reprimanded, "Sue, now you have Anthony's baby with you. You shouldn't speak in such a manner."

"Aunt Laura, I have made it clear, that this baby is my own baby. It has nothing to do with Xiao family," Sue affirmed without being bothered by Laura's disapproval.

"You…" Sue's defiance enraged Laura but she managed to suppress that, as she was afraid that her anger would harm the baby.

"Don't worry, Mom. Let me handle this," Anthony said to his mom and stopped her from saying more.

Turning his eyes to Sue, he started speaking in a very calm and polite voice, "Sue, I know why you want to break up with me. One reason is that you think I still love Sheryl, and the other reason is that... you don't want your family to be a burden for me, right?"

Upon hearing that, Sue eased the crease of her brows and pursed her lips.


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