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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 959

Sheryl was very delighted to be surrounded by her family that afternoon. Little did she know that Charles was looking at her smiling face the whole time. Charles swore to himself that he would do anything he could to make her smile this way for the rest of his life while watching her laugh.

'I will protect her and let her lead a happy life no matter what, ' he vowed.

After their happy and scrumptious dinner, Sheryl and Charles walked Amy and Arthur to the gate. Then they took their kids upstairs with them as soon as they were back inside their home. Sheryl helped her son and daughter take a bath in the children's room and Charles headed to the study. She tucked her children in and just walked out of their room after making sure that they were asleep.

She tiptoed to the door, turned off the lights and was about to return to their own bedroom when a strong pair of arms suddenly embraced her waist intimately from behind.

The skin contact automatically made Sheryl blush as she said bashfully, "Let me go. I need to take a shower."

"So do I. We can shower together," whispered Charles in her ear with his bewitchingly sensual voice.

Sheryl refused his proposal at first. However, she wasn't able to control herself when Charles started bombarding her with sweet words. As much as she was trying to resist, she ended up nodding in agreement when he began raining her small kisses on her face and neck. With a cunning smile, Charles lifted his loving wife to his chest, entered their bedroom, and carried her into the bathroom.

The glass door began to blur at the same moment the water from the shower hit the floor. A blurry image of two silhouettes intertwined in throes of passion could be seen through the frosted door. Heavy breathes, passionate moans, and affectionate words filled their room as their bodies merged into one.

It was a phone call from a detective that woke Sheryl up early the next morning. Since Charles was still sleeping soundly beside her, she moved out of the bed carefully. She didn't even bother to wear her bedroom slippers and just walked barefoot to the balcony. She could still feel how warm and sensitive her skin was after Charles' kisses last night. She then answered the phone.

"Hello?" said Sheryl in a low voice. "Did you find any clue?"

"Yes, Miss Xia," replied the detective. "I got the information you need. When are you going to have time? We can meet anytime and I can give you the files."

"Let's meet each other after an hour. I will be in the same coffee shop where we met before," responded Sheryl before hanging up. She never expected the detective to find the information so soon. Thus, she thought, 'Seems like Isla found me a very efficient detective after all.'

She then turned around and stepped back to the room. She had to wash up and get herself ready. However, surprise instantly got her when she saw Charles sitting on the bed as soon as she entered.

She forced a smile at him. She decided to keep whatever she was about to do from Charles as her mind reeled thoughts. 'I can't always rely on Charles to protect me. I have to be stronger if I want to protect these people that I care for.

I intend to stay with Charles forever. This fight is between Holley and me. There's no one else who should solve this problem but me.'

"You woke up early," she said in a casual voice.

"Oh, yeah." Charles nodded. Truth was, he was awakened by Sheryl's phone too. God knew how curious he was to know who was calling her in such an unholy hour. However, he resisted the temptation of asking her about it.

He watched his wife enter the bathroom before standing up and walking next to her. He then leaned one of his muscled shoulders against the door frame and asked, "Are you going out?"

Sheryl nodded in reply. She patted her wet face with a soft towel and said, "I got something to do."

"Sweetie, it's Sunday. How come you still have work to do?" Charles asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, I am not going to the company," blurted Sheryl without even thinking twice. It was too late when she realized what she just said. She immediately turned to Charles and explained, "I-I have some private matters to deal with."

Sheryl continued wiping her face with a towel as she stole a glance at Charles. She saw how his jaw hardened. Thus, she said, "Come on, honey! It will not take me long. We'll take the kids out today, won't we?"


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