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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 960

"Are you sure about that?" Sheryl probed doubtfully. She learned from Cary that George was a Mama's boy, who would do anything his mother asked of him. But what the detective disclosed about now was a different story.

Surprisingly, it turned out that he had a fight with his mother.

"Yes," the detective nodded at her. "According to the investigation, George Han has changed a lot in the past three years. Before he met Holley Ye, he was obedient and never doubted his mother's decisions. But now he is acting like a rebellious teenager and zealously opposes his mother. It is said that he will do anything for Holley. There were incidents where he engaged himself in physical altercations with others because of her. He was becoming a war freak. He even went to a great extent of threatening his mother about moving out from their family for Holley's sake."

With an undisguised contempt, he frankly remarked, "I have to admit that Holley Ye is a sly and smart woman. She knows how to fool a man to get what she wants."

"What about George's mother? Did she just sit around and do nothing?" Sheryl frowned. According to Cary, George's mother was not a simple woman.

"Of course not," the detective replied with certainty while handing her a piece of paper. "What's this?" she inquired, noting the address written on it.

"It is where George's mother lives after she moved to Y City. She has done a lot to ruin her son's relationship with Holley. I received a piece of information that she brought a girl and claimed she was her sworn daughter. But in fact, she intended to match that girl and her son together." He deliberately paused, allowing Sheryl to absorb the details. After a while, he continued, "As I have mentioned, Donna Han did not like them dating from the start. And through all these years, she never changed her mind despite all of her failed attempts to break them apart. I have to say that Holley is really something. She managed to turn George against his mother. He believes that his girlfriend is such a good girl, no matter how his mother spoke ill of her."

"In this case, George's love for Holley is unshakable," Sheryl concluded as she grew more and more despondent. She already recovered from the initial shock when she learned that Holley Ye was none other than Yvonne Gu.

Sheryl hired a detective to investigate Holley. And like Donna, she needed to find a way to make Holley and her boyfriend break up. She was thinking that when George left Holley on her own, no one would protect her anymore. But to her disappointment, Holley was so cunning that she had adeptly controlled her boyfriend.

Donna spent three years splitting them up but failed miserably. This made Sheryl lose her confidence to execute her initial plan.

It looked like she needed to find another way, she thought.

"I don't think so," the detective replied with a faint smile. "Miss Xia, when I investigated Holley Ye, I found something quite interesting."

"Something interesting?" Sheryl exclaimed. "What is it?"

"Here is the thing," the detective replied knowingly. "I discovered that there are two forces looking into Holley Ye besides me. Digging it further, I found out that one was sent by Donna."

"Donna Han?" Sheryl blurted. "Looks like she hasn't given up on her plan. She is still set to break the two apart after all those things happened."

"Exactly," he acknowledged with a contemptuous smile. "Since Donna Han is not a native in Y City, she didn't hire a professional detective. Thus, she could not obtain any useful information she wanted, I guess. But one thing is sure: Donna Han doesn't like Holley Ye. Otherwise, she wouldn't have sent people to investigate her son's girlfriend."


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