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His secret spoiled wife (Lily and Alexander) novel Chapter 2066

Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 2066 -Still, the “boss’s” death was purely a coincidence, an unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, Edward’s appearance was an accident.

Lily and Mike had always been cautious and refrained from touching the “boss,” but Edward did not understand or care. Since Edward was on the brink of death, he believed he had to do something before dying—to seek revenge and destroy the evil organization directly.

The protection surrounding the “boss” was not strong, but none dared to harm him. It was not because they could not but because they feared the consequences. Therefore, when Edward, who disregarded all consequences, appeared, he broke the first barrier.

Subsequently, Lily and Mike had to go along with the situation. Furthermore, the boss never expected to become an outcast in the organization, as they simply abandoned him. Of course, it was also possible the organization had learned about the situation and intentionally let it slide.

Although the organization had been wary of what the boss held, the organization was pleased with the outcome when the boss got captured and seemingly destined to die. The organization did not need to get its hands dirty and could rest assured once the boss died.

Later, Rhea tested a different experimental poison on the boss, leading to his demise. These events seemed coincidental when connected, but they also seemed destined.

‘So, when the “boss” died, the organization’s people probably ransacked his office. However, the organization didn’t get these documents. By a stroke of luck, they ended up with me instead.’

When Alexander opened his eyes again, he rechecked the documents and returned them to the parchment envelope. Then he got up and went to open the hidden compartment in his bookcase to

place the envelope there.

‘I’ve already guessed and investigated the situation, but I never expected the mastermind to be him! This person is troublesome after all.’


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