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His secret spoiled wife (Lily and Alexander) novel Chapter 2067

Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 2067-While Alexander considered going to Rhea to inquire about Cameron’s whereabouts, someone came to him voluntarily. “Mr. Russell.”

Alexander recognized the person as Cameron’s personal guard. More precisely, this person was Cameron’s undercover guard. Typically such a person would go unnoticed by ordinary people. Still, Alexander had seen this person once or twice after becoming close to Cameron.

Marcus was a first-class guard. When Alexander saw him, he knew there must be some news about Cameron’s whereabouts.

Marcus glanced around and asked, “Can we talk in private?”

He would appear ordinary if he were in a crowd and did not stand out. However, Alexander knew he possessed formidable abilities. Not only was Marcus skilled in combat, but he was also well-versed in various weapons.

Marcus being by Cameron’s side ensured the latter had all-rounded protection. Therefore, when Rhea kidnapped Cameron, the latter had intended for it to happen. Otherwise, Rhea could not have taken Cameron under Marcus’s watchful eyes.

Alexander nodded. “I was getting to that.”

After sending away the servants and asking Edward to leave for the time being, Alexander led Marcus into his study, closed the door, and then spoke up. “Has there been any news about Secretary Rollins?”

Marcus nodded. “Secretary Rollins sent me to find you.”

When Alexander heard that, he felt like a massive weight had fallen off his shoulders. He sighed in relief. “Then where is he now?”

Marcus removed something from his pocket and handed it to Alexander, saying, “He can’t come in person, but he instructed me to give this to you. He said you might find it helpful.”

Alexander lowered his head and glanced at it, momentarily stunned. “This is…”

“He said he knows what you want to do, but due to his identity and the current situation, it’s not suitable for him to come here. Therefore, there are some things only you can handle.”

As Marcus conveyed these words, Alexander could almost imagine how Cameron would say them in his typical cold and detached manner.


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