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His Sweet Little Mate novel (Abby and Micah) novel Chapter 172

“Do you even understand what you are saying?” Abby’s face was a painting of pure horror as she regarded Arthur carefully as if he lost his mind before his mate could. “It’s too dangerous, I won't agree to it.”

“It’s better than exposing Arlo to him.” The former king argued back.

“But it is his introduction ceremony, you can’t just ask us to stay behind and go out there alone.”

“I won’t go alone…” Arthur began, but then saw Abby retreat hastily as if the man would snatch her son and bolt right now. “God, woman. Listen to me for a second. I’ll go there with a fake baby…”

Now, Abby looked like she lost a few brain cells. When Arthur said he wanted to apologize for what he was about to do to her again, this new yet impromptu plan was not what she was expecting.

“But, you won’t be able to fight him off. Did you forget that only I can seal him away?” Abby explained this to him so many times. “And it should be the royal parents who should sit in the carriage with the new prince, if you went with a fake baby, the capital would be in an uproar even before Calpin tried to do anything.”

“Well, I understand where you are coming from. But it hasn’t been confirmed that the dark magic user will make an appearance personally even if he decides to attack the palace.”

Abby had to agree with him on this, so she kept silent.

“And if I was the one to introduce baby Arlo, our ruse would look even more believable. Who knows, Calpin might indeed take the bait and come down here to lead the attack.”

“Why are you looking excited about that? You can’t fight him. Or are you trying to turn this into a real suicide mission?” Having dumped these new plans on her head, Abby felt a little light headed and thought of the worst first.

“NO, no…” Arthur denied, first loudly then softly. “I’m just trying to make the most of the situation. Didn’t we agree Calpin coming here would be advantageous to us? If he didn’t come, it wouldn't be worth it to put Arlo through all of that.”

“But what if he did come? You know what he is capable of, right?” Abby was scared Arthur and the others wouldn’t even get a proper chance to retaliate before they found themselves flattened to the ground. “Moreover, our people would be even more vulnerable. I had to be there, Arthur.”

“I have a solution if he makes an appearance. I’ll give you a loud and obvious signal if he does and you can take over from there.” Arthur explained patiently to Abby, who was agitated over the fact how much destruction that dark magic sorcerer would unleash upon the capital city.

“I…” Abby didn’t know what to make out of his sudden selflessness.

“I just want you three to stay safe, if things could be handled by us men just fine.” Arthur gestured for Neesha with his right hand, who stood silently on the side during the entire time they talked, her eyes trained on baby Arlo, not once taking them off his little frame.

“Now this looks like a real apology.”

Chapter 172 1

Chapter 172 2

Chapter 172 3


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