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His Unveiled Passion novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Tessa recalled that her cousin, Uriah, had given her a fully furnished apartinent unit near Rivertown University as a birthday gift during her freshman year,

The apartment was situated directly opposite the miversity, conveniently close to Shelton Law Firm.

She thought about moving into the apartment if she secured the position at Shelton. It would slinplify her commute and allow her to live independently. She would be free from the strain of dealing with Sammel and Mariatine.

At Shelton Law Firm, Tessa was interviewed by a HR representative as well as Sarah.

Tessa had graduated from a prestigious university and had three years of professional experience. She answered all of Sarah’s questions with confidence and clarity.

Sarah was genuinely impressed by Tessa. The firm met Tessa’s salary and benefits expectation–a base salary of 8,500 dollars per month along with commissions on legal tees.

After the interview, Sarah smiled and said, “Ms. Yates, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Tessa retumed the smile politely. “See you tomorrow, Ms. Young.”

The interview had gone much smoother than Tessa had anticipated. She had expected they would negotiate over her requested salary. To her surprise, everything unfolded seamlessly.

After Tessa left, Sarah stood by the window and sighed. “What a shame, I really do admire Ms. Yates”

On her first day at Shelton, the HR representative, Claire Lawson, introduced Tessa to her colleagues and familiarized her with the firm.

Shelton Law Firm was expansive. Tessa had joined the headquarters which housed several departments.

The business department focused on external partnerships and case negotiations,

The litigation department specialized in lawsuits.


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