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Honey, I Don't Dare Again (Amber and Jared) novel novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 The Injury on His Back

Chapter 124 The Injury on His Back

Jared blinked and gave a hum.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he realized that he was a little dizzy and he might have a fever.

But he wanted to see her, so he didn’t care.

Amber put down her hand and stretched it out in front of Jared.

Jared looked at her, “What!?”

“Mobile phone.” Amber frowned and said impatiently, “Take it out. I’ll help you call your family and ask them to

arrange someone to pick you up.”

“No.” Jared pursed his lips and refused.

Amber felt so angry that she laughed, “So do you still want to drive back by yourself?”

Jared opened his mouth, but he didn’t say anything.


Amber had a headache, “You don’t want someone to pick you up. You can’t drive by yourself. What do you want to


Before she could finish her words, she saw that he suddenly released his hands from the door frame, and fell

towards her.

Jared collapsed on her and almost pounced on her to the floor

“Hey, shame on you! Don’t fall on me. Get up quickly.” Amber pushed him angrily.

But he didn’t respond.

Amber tilted her head and found that his eyes were closed, apparently fainting.

“Crap!” Amber felt so speechless.

It was hard to imagine that such a strong man would faint because of a fever.

Amber sighed, resisting the thought of throwing him out of the house. She supported him back to the house.

When she got to the living room, she vigorously threw him on the sofa.

The moment when his back touched the sofa, he suddenly groaned and frowned, but he still didn’t wake up.

“Huh?” Amber was stunned for a moment.

Did she hurt him?

Without thinking too much, Amber bent down and put her hand into Jared’s pocket to find the phone. She wanted

to contact Ben to come and take him away.

However, Jared’s mobile phone was not set with a fingerprint lock, but a password lock.

Amber didn’t know what his password was, so she tried a few random ones, including his birthday and Makenna’s birthday, but neither of them was right.

In the end, Amber gave up. She picked up her mobile phone, and called the property to arrange for a doctor to


In any case, Jared fell down here. If she didn’t find a doctor to see him, it would be her responsibility if he became a fool.

After the call, Amber put down the phone, stared at Jared’s wet hair and shoulders for a while, thinking that if he continued to wear wet clothes, he might be worse. After sighing, she started to take off his clothes.

Sometimes, she really hated that she had a soft spot for him.

But she had no choices. Since she saw it, she couldn’t really leave him alone.

“Huh?” As soon as she unbuttoned Jared’s shirt, she looked up. Then she saw a faint purplish skin on his right


Amber narrowed her eyes, and then exerted great strength to turn over Jared’s body. Stunned by what she saw, she covered her lips and took a deep breath.

God! His entire back was almost purplish red, looking terrifying.

The purplish red was caused by the extremely severe impact on the back, which caused the subcutaneous

capillaries to rupture.

It was no wonder that when she just threw him on the sofa, he suddenly groaned in pain. Maybe he had a fever,

which was also caused by this injury, and he became so weak that he fainted after being drenched by the rain.

Amber trembled and touched Jared’s back.

She knew how he got hurt. He saved her during the day. It was not in front of the hotel elevator, but it was when

Makenna pushed her downstairs.

So, he was injured at the time, but he didn’t tell her even when she asked him?

Chapter 124 1

Chapter 124 2


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