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Honey, I Don't Dare Again (Amber and Jared) novel novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Psychological Appraisal

About half an hour later, Ben arrived.

Jared opened the door, “Come in.”

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the living room.

Ben looked at Jared’s back, feeling speechless.

If he remembered correctly, this was Miss Reed’s home.

Why was Mr. Farrell the one who opened the door? Besides, Mr. Farrell acted like he was the host here.

Although he thought so, he didn’t dare to ask any more. He went in.

“Where’s the clothes?” Jared looked at him.

Ben handed over one of the bags in his hand, “Here.”

Jared took it and changed it directly in the living room.

Ben showed the other bag, “Mr. Farrell, the breakfast…”

“Put it on the table.” Jared replied, buttoning his shirt.

Ben responded and put the bag on the table.

Afterwards, Jared pointed at the coffee table again, “Pack up the medicines and take them away.”

“Yes.” Ben nodded.

After that, they two left.

Before leaving, Jared threw an extra glance at the door of Amber’s room, his gaze unfathomable.

Not long after they two left, the bedroom door was opened. Amber yawned and came out. Seeing the neatly folded quilt on the sofa, she was surprised for a moment.

Where was he?

Amber looked around, but she didn’t see Jared. She only found that the medicines on the coffee table were gone. It should be him who had taken them away. Besides, there was an extra bag on the table.

Amber walked over curiously, opened the bag, and found that it was breakfast.

So, this was for her?

Amber raised an eyebrow.

But she didn’t refuse. After ali, she wouldn’t suffer any loss if she ate it.


After breakfast, Amber changed her clothes, picked up her newly bought bag and went out.

When she came to the company and just met Cole, her phone rang. The person from the police station called

“Miss Reed?”

“It’s me.” Amber nodded.

The person from the police station said, “I’m sorry, Miss Reed. The case about Miss Gardner pushing you.

downstairs, it has to be closed ahead of schedule.”

“What!?” Amber stood up abruptly, looking shocked.

Cole was taken aback by her and blinked at her, “What’s the matter, baby?”

Amber ignored him, pursed her lips and asked, “Why did you close the case ahead of time? I haven’t found my

bag yet, and I haven’t handed in the evidence yet, so why is the case going to be closed?”

“Miss Reed, please calm down first. I understand your feelings, but this matter can only be closed, because Miss

Gardner’s parents and her fiancé both issued Miss Gardner’s psychological appraisal.”

“Psychological appraisal?” Amber narrowed her eyes.

The police officer nodded, “Yes, the appraisal report says that Miss Gardner suffers from a serious mental illness.

Our country’s laws do not yet contain measurement of penalty for psychos, so…”

“So you mean that psychopaths don’t break the law?” Amber clenched the phone tightly and asked loudly.

The police officer responded with a sigh, “Um…Yes, so this case can only be closed like this. As for your bag, we

are still investigating it, but there are no clues so far. So it is very likely that we will not be able to find it. Sorry, Miss


The call ended.

Amber bit her lip and put down her phone with a face full of reluctance.

Cole looked at her, feeling a little worried. He asked again, “What’s the matter, baby?”

Amber told him the content of the phone call.

Chapter 125 1

Chapter 125 2


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