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Hope It's Not Too Late to Love novel Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129 Miracle Doctors

He was even more nervous compared to last time and sweat appeared on his forehead.

He said to the nurse anxiously, "Quickly, summon Dr. Sonnet."

The medical team rushed here due to the emergency without calling April.

They thought it would be a routine case that they could easily manage. Little did they know they couldn't do anything to help when they arrived.

Everyone knew the situation was wrong when they heard April was needed.

Bryan stepped forward and tightly gripped the doctor's collar. Then, he asked, "What's the situation?"

He was both anxious and furious. Even blue veins could be seen protruding on his forehead as though he was ready to take it all out on someone at that instant.

The doctor immediately replied, "The patient's fracture is in an unusual position. I'm afraid that the team is not prepared for the surgery at the moment. Hence, Dr. Sonnet's supervision is imperative to guarantee success."

"All of you shall face the consequences if you fail to save him."

Bryan's eyes were already red out of anger, and he had lost his composure at that point. He gripped the doctor's neck as if he was ready to twist it any minute.

Thankfully, Vania intervened, and she tugged him away and spared the doctor.

"I've already sent for Lily to come immediately. We mustn't waste the doctor's window for treatment."

The success rate of the surgery stood at 99% with April and Lily around.

He was even more nervous compared to last time and sweat appeared on his forehead.

However, the remaining 1% was uncertain because William chose to concede.

Jennifer Watson also held onto Bryan's hands as she was worried that he might lose control of himself. "Let's go with Vania's plan."

Bryan listened and eventually eased his grip.

April immediately stopped the experiment at hand when he learned about the situation.

He said directly to Vania as soon as he saw her in the operating room, "Please have Lily come over, Vania."

They needed all the help they could get when a life hung in the balance and having a miracle-making doctor at the side would at least boost their faith.

"I've already done so. You should take a look at the situation first."

Chapter 1129 1


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