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Hope It's Not Too Late to Love novel Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130 Double Whammy

Apparently, the driver who hit William was determined to take his life.

Bryan was so furious that his body trembled. He turned to Vania and asked, "Why won't you let me handle it since we now know it was Benjamin Kepler's doing?"

"But Thomas still isn't aware of this."

"What difference does that make? The truth is right in front of us." Bryan didn't realize that the matter was more complicated than he thought.

"That's precisely why you have to consider his position if you're gonna take the matter into your hands. Personally, I think it might be better if we let him handle it himself. I trust that he'll make the right call," Vania explained patiently.

Bryan fell silent as he was somewhat convinced that it was a better solution.

However, it only lasted a few seconds before he added, "I'll take action if Thomas can't resolve this adequately."

"I'm sure the entire Jones Family would intervene as well," Vania said as if she was the mastermind of the plot as she reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, he'll handle it well."

"Why do you have such confidence in him?" Suddenly, Hanson, who had been quiet at the side, asked.

Vania could discern the jealousy hidden in his words.

Great... He is being jealous again.

She only patiently explained, "I was merely talking based on facts, and I believe in myself."

Apparently, the driver who hit William was determined to take his life.

She demonstrated how a confident person would act, and she rarely got it wrong.

Hanson nodded. "Just like how I trust my wife."

However, it wasn't time for showing off affection. They still had much to do.

Vania continued, "I'll put the film shooting on hold until you've regained your composure and ready to return."

Bryan only nodded. He found himself increasingly admiring Vania's composure at that instant.

Vania turned to Jennifer Watson following that. "We're too far behind the schedule for the female lead's scenes. So, I'll only grant you a single day off."

Jennifer agreed since she couldn't help much regarding the Jones Family's matters, even though she was concerned for Bryan.

Chapter 1130 1

Chapter 1130 2


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