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Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy novel Chapter 29


All of a sudden, he pushed me back against the pillar behind me. My eyes widened with because of that sudden movement. Then, he picked up the pencil lying nearby beside my notepad which I use to note different dance notations. He brought the pencil to his mouth and licked it in a damn sensual way. He bit it with his unhumanly white, sharp teeth as if biting my....no...some woman's lips. All this time, his dilated dark brown eyes did not leave my black ones. He had a hooded gaze on, and just one look at him and you could say he intended to do all those very sinful things to me with that very sinful mouth of his.

I tried to open my mouth and shout at him to maintain a good distance but he quited me by putting the pencil on my lips. And I don't know what befell on me, I obeyed.

He gave me one of his SSS ( Well... its his Signature Sinister Smirk for you) and began gliding the pencil from my forehead down to my tensed neck. He was too close to me, giving no room to think properly. I gasped when the pencil made its way within my top, between my breasts. The deeper it sinked inside my cleavage, the more I breathed heavily. Not able to restrain myself anymore, I let out a soft moan. At that act of mine, his jaw clenched and he closed his eyes as if he was commanding his brain to register and preserve that emitted sound like some treasure.

He came near my ear and whispered seductively," Sweetheart... what shall it be like... if this pencil is replaced by my finger?" I involuntarily closed my eyes and my head arched back, as if it was the most obvious action to do as a reflex mechanism.

"Damn you reflexes!" I thought mentally.

"Reflexes! Really?! Jenny darling...its you who is letting this happen... that too with a stranger!" Bellowed my subconscious. My brows twitched in confusion and then it dawned me what was happening with me....

I am damn sure I was rose-hued all over, by now.

That lust... no, longing... no, attraction... hell! Whatever it was, now it was replaced by fury. Pure rage!

I was furious, on the verge of letting the magma inside me erupt with full force. I opened my eyes and was glaring at him.

"Let me go!" I snarled as if denied then I would surely claw his face with my bare hands. He didn't leave me or move back. Still he was dangerously close to me and I was practically sandwiched between his sturdy chest and the pillar behind me. Moreover, he had the guts of pinning my hands over my head.

"I want to talk first!" Came a calm and measured response.

" I don't want to talk to you! About any damn thing! I think that was obvious." I snapped.

Firstly a stranger. On the top of it, forcing himself on me, then proposing me... NO! not even proposing me, ordering me to marry him!? Was this guy insane? Who does he think he is?

If in silence he looked terror, then in rage he seemed to be a brewing tornado. His jaw ticked at my refusal to hear him out. Nevertheless he tried again.

"Jenny, baby-" And that was the moment something snapped inside me. I slapped him hard. Although the skin reddened there, but his head remained there transfixed. No movement. At. All.

Who dies he think he is or I am to him!? I didn't give him the privilege of calling me Jenny. And that too with Baby? Fuck off Mr. Stranger! I scoffed.

Those brown eyes seemed to have developed whirlpools of yellow streaks in them as if hot burning lava found its way up to his beautiful eyes. I felt a hot and cold chills spread down my spine. But that didn't stop me from struggling in his iron grip. I kept fighting him.

"STOP!" He roared.

"What the hell do you want from me!?" I shouted.

"YOU!" came a blunt reply.

He is definitely insane and a sick monster-cum-womaniser! And I thought of seeking his help back then when I was being engaged to that Moron Prakash?!

The mere thought of him taking advantage of each and every girl he deemed as 'beautiful' made bile rise to my throat. I was disgusted.

And, to show my disgust, I did something completely unacceptable. I.SPAT.ON.HIM.


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