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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 26



“Have I already told you that you look beautiful tonight?” Someone whispers in my ear.

My breath hitches, not sensing him coming closer and I almost turn when a hand touches my waist, stopping me.

His scent fills my nose and I smile, tilting my head and poking my eyes out playfully at Atticus.

“Twice actually,” I say softly, sipping the champagne from my glass.

He smirks. “I guess I just can’t express it enough.”

I am about to reply when Dad taps the microphone, capturing my attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, all esteemed guests, may I have your attention,” Dad says, making the chatter die through the hall.

We are in one of the lavish five-star hotels not far outside of the Crystal Shadow Pack territory for Dad’s dinner party he is hosting in my honour.

The night has been a blur of meeting people and making small talk, and not all of them are werewolves, hence Dad’s use of a microphone.

Atticus raises his eyebrows playfully at me as we both give Dad our full attention. Atticus’s pack and our pack became allies thanks to the friendship between Atticus and me.

Although Atticus still makes it clear that I am the one he wants, we are simply friends, but I won’t deny that I appreciate having him in my life. Even the children like having him around and call him Uncle too.

It’s nice having a friend. I never heard back from Valerie and, for some reason, the emails that I sent returned to my outbox with a ‘failed’ notification.

“As everyone knows, my Daughter Zaia Toussaint has been a great asset to my company for the last few years. Being voted in as managing director of the company last year by the board itself. I can assure you that had nothing to do with me!” He chuckles and others do, too.

He takes a moment, allowing the rush to die down before he slips his free hand into his pocket and looks at me.

“Well, it’s the truth. She has proven herself greatly and not only to me but to our company. Her hands-on approach to handling every hurdle, as well as her work ethic and professionalism towards our clients, have not only been appreciated by others, but above all by myself.” Dad continues.

I watch him, as I adjust the pearl strap of my ivory-fitted dress that reaches the floor. My hair is pulled up in a stylish updo with a small pearl hair ornament. A few small items of pearl jewellery adorn my ears and hands. Winged liner and glossy lips finish off my look.

I can sense many eyes on me as Dad continues and a few whispers, which I don’t bother with.

“It has been a while since Mr. Simmons has been contemplating retiring from his position and tonight, not only will I be announcing the new CEO of Toussaint Enterprises but also the heir to the majority of this empire! It is with my greatest pleasure to announce none other than my daughter, Ms Zaia Toussaint!” Dad says and everyone begins clapping as the cameras pan on me.

My eyes widen in surprise. Yes, I have aimed to grow, to do better every single day, but I never expected Dad to name me his heir this soon.

“Congratulations, Red,” Atticus whispers in my ear, taking my glass from me as Dad holds his hand out to me, motioning me to step onto the stage.

I look up at Atticus, my heart skipping a beat.

He knew…

He winks at me, and I take a deep breath, smiling for the cameras as I make my way over to Father, and allow him to help me up the steps to the stage.

I glance out at everyone gathered here, waiting for the clapping to die down.

Right… a speech…

How do you do that when you are not expecting it?

“I am speechless,” I begin, rewarded by light laughter, and I smile. “I want to thank everyone for attending tonight and being a part of this beautiful moment. I want to thank my father for believing in me, the board members for always supporting and guiding me and above all, I want to thank my mother, Melanie Walton for standing by my side through thick and thin… last but not least, I want to thank Atticus Payne for always being an incredible friend, and for always supporting me. Thank you.”

I brush a strand of my hair back, tucking it behind my ear, only for it to slip out again.

Everyone claps and Dad gives me a hug, congratulating me as the camera flashes blind me from all directions.

Soon, an influx of people are surrounding me, and I’m lost in the sea of faces as I try to remember everyone’s names.

I’m almost out of the crowd when I suddenly feel as if I’m being watched.

An intense gaze that reminds me of one person and it makes my heart pound.

I close my eyes, my heart thumping, goddess… why does it feel like…

I spin around, my eyes darting around the hall before I find the doors on the far end, but all I see is the back of a man in a black suit, but it’s only for a second before he disappears from view…


Dinner is over and I’m glad that the hard part is over.

I’m exhausted mentally from all the socialising, and I just want to head home and curl up with my babies. I have just gotten off the phone with Mom, having excused myself to go to the ladies’ room.

I had bid the kids goodnight before ending the call.

I know I need to return… the quietness of the hotel hall is pleasant…

“Come on, Zaia, just a few hours left. Get back in there.” I tell myself as I look in the mirror at my reflection.

I adjust the strap of my dress, pulling a face. I know my personal assistant picked it out, but this single pearl strap just doesn’t feel enough to support my breasts.

Well, I’ve made it through more than half of the evening. Just another hour or so to go. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

I sigh heavily, before pasting a small smile on my face and exit the ladies’ room, almost tripping over the hem of my skirt. I frown, bending down as I tug it free and smooth it out.

Not looking where I’m going, my arm knocks into someone, making me gasp as something catches on my pearl strap and to my horror, the violent tug breaks the string, making pearls go flying everywhere.

I feel my dress come loose and my hands instantly go to my dress, my heart thundering.


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