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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 27


I watch as her face changes from surprise to realisation to devastation. Her heart is thumping wildly as she stares at me, her gorgeous violet eyes wide.

She didn’t know, just as I presumed, and I wish I had somehow found a way to let her know that Valerie needed her.

Well, no surprise there, fucking up is my forte and I keep doing that.

She used to be the voice of logic and reason in my life, and why my father truly approved of her. Although he never liked her father, he had always held Zaia in high regard. That is a relationship that is still not the way it used to be before I divorced her.

Looking at her, I know that she deserves that position as CEO. I won’t ever say it, but I’m proud of her.

“I… How?” she asks softly.

“We never caught the attacker. It’s a long story and… I shouldn’t be seen here with you. Can we meet somewhere else, maybe tomorrow?” I ask, swallowing as I try not to look at her tempting, glossy lips.

“Meet? You want to meet now? No. Tell me what happened to Valerie. I need to meet her. I need to, I’m an awful friend,” she whispers the end part as she turns her head away.

“No. I should have tried harder to get the message through to you. Look, here’s Jai’s number. He moved to Valerie’s mother’s original pack with the Scotts’ after it happened. Call him, and he’ll tell you the rest of the details and give you the full address,” I say, taking out my own business card and adding Jai’s number to the bottom. I can’t risk being seen with her, just in case.

She reaches for the card, her fingertips brushing my finger as she takes it. There’s no mate bond, but the tingles of her touch rush through me, strong. My eyes flicker silver for a second before she turns away from me.

“Thank you,” she says, turning her back to me and reaching for the door handle. I hate that she has to leave. Why can’t this moment last longer?


She pauses but doesn’t turn back to me, waiting for me to speak.

“How are my pups?” I ask quietly.

Her heart thuds, but instead of replying, she pulls open the door and steps out.

My own heart squeezes but I don’t fight it. I can’t risk us being seen together. Even if I’m getting closer to learning who they are, I can’t ruin it all when I’ve come so far…

Just a little longer, Zaia… Then I’ll come for you.



“Cara? Oh… it’s been ages. How are you?” Zaia asks, her voice sounding far warmer than it was when she spoke to me.

“It has been! Wow… babe, you look… gorgeous. I see you’re doing well. Not what we hear.” Cara laughs.

Not wanting to risk being seen by Cara, I stay hidden. Dad had asked me to bring her to the meeting, but right now I wish I hadn’t.

“Thanks, I’m sure the rumours are colourful, but I’m happy. Truly. How are you?” Zaia asks her, not missing a beat and clearly not fazed by Cara’s remark.

“Oh, I’m good, actually I was here on a dinner date…” Cara trails off and I narrow my eyes.

No part of this was a date, and for her to insinuate that it is, is pissing me off.

“Oh, I see, well have fun, and good night,” Zaia says.

I exhale slowly, hearing the sound of heels. “Oh, Zaia! You haven’t seen Sebastian, have you?” Cara asks, and I clench my jaw.

“No.” Zaia’s reply comes.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive.” Cara apologises. “I’ve just been looking for him. He left the table a while ago…”

“Not at all. He’s long forgotten, Cara. Enjoy your date together.”

“Oh, thank you, we will… I’m sorry.” Cara mumbles.

I cock a brow.


“Don’t be. A man like him is not worth crying over. I’ve moved on.” Zaia’s words sting but I can’t blame her when I’m just standing here.

Silent. Once again.


“Thank you. Send Annalise my greetings.” Zaia’s voice comes before I hear her walk off.

“Where has he gone…” I hear Cara mutter as she walks down the corridor and I take the first chance I can to slip out.

I’ll alert Jai because I’m sure Zaia will want to meet Valerie. As for Atticus, that idiot should have told her about Valerie… why didn’t he? I walk down the hall, returning to our private room and walking over to our table where the client is waiting with his wife. She is the only reason I agreed to bring Cara.

“I do apologise for the delay. Now where were we…” I say as I sit down.

Where I had felt pissed off about coming here, I’m now relieved that I did. And no matter how hard I try, I’m unable to remove her image from my mind.

My little fox…

This has got to be a sign… meeting her again after all these years has to mean something…


An hour later, we’re finally done, and the deal is sealed. We part ways and I’m ready to head home and let Jai know.

“That was so good you were so on it, after the break!” Cara says, about to hold on to my arm when I move it away, giving her a cold look.

“Don’t overstep, remember I am your Alpha, nothing more,” I say quietly.

She blushes, clearly humiliated, and nods, tucking a strand of her black hair behind her ear.

“Sorry Alpha Sebastian… Umm… You know I saw Zaia earlier...” she mutters, fiddling with her sleeve.

“I don’t really care,” I reply coldly, ending the conversation right there.

We head through the large front lawn of the hotel. It’s mainly empty, considering the time, though it’s understandable. The gushing sound of the large stone fountain is the only thing you can hear.

The Valet hands me my car keys and we get in and I put the car in drive. Cara rolls the window down, fanning herself.

“Gosh, it’s so hot.” She says, I’m about to reply, telling her the car has air conditioning when Zaia’s voice reaches me.

“Atticus! What are you doing!”

I freeze, turning my head sharply towards the large fountain at the centre of the front lawn. Her voice is full of surprise and amusement. A flash of irritation and jealousy rushes through me.

When I learned she had gone to her father’s pack, I didn’t expect Atticus to still be a part of her life. Especially to the point that they’re laughing together.

“Atticus…” She sounds shocked now and I can’t help but silently turn to look in that direction.

What I see is not something I was expecting.


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