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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 29


Jai tries to cover his surprised snicker as I glare at Sebastian, seeing the flicker of irritation, humiliation and anger in his eyes as he glares at me.

“What was that for?” He growls menacingly, touching his jaw.

“That was for overstepping your boundaries, Mr King. If you don’t wish to be slapped again, remember personal space exists,” I reply icily.

My eyes flash orange as I glare up at the man that is now looking down at me with dangerously cold eyes.

“You were checking me out when I entered.” He snarls, menacingly.

I scoff and look at him scornfully.

"Really? So just because I was surprised at the fact that you’re not as buff as you were several years ago, you thought you could just say, and do as you wish?” I reply in disbelief, hoping he bought my lie.

He cocks a brow as he slams his hand against the wall, caging me in between his arms. My heart thumps and I hate how my pussy clenches.

Focus, Zaia.

“We both know that’s a lie.” He replies arrogantly.

“Oh please, don’t get ahead of yourself.” I shoot back.

I cannot let him know he’s getting to me!

He smirks, “So tell me, what bothered you - was it that I called you a good girl… correct, then are you a bad girl, Zaia?”

My cheeks burn, remembering Jai is right there, listening to us.

“No, but if you keep stepping into my personal space, you will end up becoming a girl too, good girl or bad girl. That will be your choice.”

He cocks a brow, and I frown.

“Since you’ll be lacking a dick when I’m done with you?” I explain myself, speaking extremely slowly, making Jai burst into laughter.

“Damn, what’s the plan, cutting his dick off or ripping it off?” He says through his laughter.

“I might let Sebastian choose. I reply, pushing the soaking man away from me.

It already feels hot in here and I hate how my heart is feeling funny about his close proximity. I become serious, waiting for Jai to stop laughing before I look between them.

“Why are you here, Sebastian?” I ask quietly. “I want the truth, nothing more, nothing less. Stop playing games, it’s been three years… let me live.”

His gaze dips to my hand and he frowns deeply before he nods.

“As I said, I wanted to talk to you,” he says. “Without anyone knowing I’m here, everyone believes I’ve gone to another state for a business meeting, and I want to keep it that way.”

“Why the secrecy?” I ask, crossing my arms and turning away from him. His intense gaze is becoming too much.

My arm brushes his chest, but I refuse to look at him.

“Because I was and still am, being blackmailed.”

I can’t help but look at him sharply at those words, my heart thumping a little faster.

His brilliant blue eyes meet mine and I open my mouth, not even sure what I am going to say when my gaze flits to the bed.

It can’t all be a coincidence. The way Jai explained seeing someone in Valerie’s room, and then the email…

“Let’s take this to my room. Let’s give Val a break from all the shouting,” Jai says, motioning for us to follow him.

I look at her lying on the bed and, walking over; adjust her position, placing her hand straight. I hope she isn’t uncomfortable.

I give her hand a gentle squeeze.

I promise you, Val, I am going to find a way to wake you up. I will.

Sebastian picks up his jacket, brushing his wet hair back and I hate that he looks even sexier now. I wasn’t wrong for thinking that at the hotel last night.

I look away quickly, not wanting to be caught checking him out again, and after grabbing my wig and bag, I follow Jai to the room next door and step inside.

It’s fairly clean, a large bed sits against one wall. There’s a two-seater sofa with a television and a PlayStation by the window. A door leads off to what I can see is a bathroom.

I perch against the dresser as Sebastian walks in and Jai throws him a towel. “You’re going to catch a cold man.”

“No, I won’t,” Sebastian says, wiping his face and tossing the towel onto the sofa.

I cock a brow about to speak when a blinding flash of lightning makes me look out of the window instead. The room instantly becomes darker.

“Ah, the weather got worse…” Jai grumbles.

“You will get ill, because you’re an alpha doesn’t mean you won’t,” I say curtly, tossing my hair.


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