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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 357

Chapter 0357 

The third one.” 


That one.He says and I look at the movie currently ranked third

Aha mystery thriller. Ok.I say, switching it on and walking over to the sofa. I sit down, resting my elbow on the armrest, my back a little to him as I look over 

at the TV

Am I really watching a movie with Zade Toussaint.

Yes, yes I am

This is insane

I glance sideways, I can see his long muscular legs stretched out in front of him, see the bulge at the front of his pants before I quickly look at the screen again as the woman’s alarm goes off and she gets out of bed, late for work

I pull my shirt down, covering my thigh, but it’s not like there’s anything sexy to see here, anyway

Soon I’m drawn into the movie and I cross my legs after grabbing a chocolate 


Want one?I ask Zade. He turns his head toward me, and I realise he can’t see through his left eye

No,he says as he leans forward and picks up his coffee mug around the rim, my gaze snapping to the band of his boxers that peak out and I avert my gaze

How didhow did your eye get hurt?I ask quietly

His jaw is taut as he stares ahead. I don’t remember.” 

That’s a lie. There’s no way a person would ever forget something like that

You don’t open up, do you?I say, sliding my legs to the ground, about to lean forward to grab my coffee mug when he places a hand on my bare thigh, stopping me. Sparks course through me and my heart races as his gaze flicks to the table and he reaches forward. Placing his now empty cup down and picking up mine, he holds it out to me

ThanksI say, feeling a little nervous as I take it

His hand is still on my thigh, and I’m unable to focus on anything, watching as 

  • колония 

he leans back against the sofa again. I clear my throat, moving my leg slightly and only then does he lift his hand, allowing me to breathe once again


I sit back, crossing my legs as I lean on the armrest once again, resisting the urge to brush my fingers over my thigh where his touch lingers. We’re silent as we continue watching, and soon I’m fully immersed in the movie 

my heart racing as the woman, Beth, goes to meet her friend at the park

In the middle of the night, yeah, that’s smart when you know there’s a psychol loose in town

Are you ok with this movie?Zade asks me, making me glance over at him

I cock a brow, as the woman gets out of her car and walks into the woody park

Janet? Janet, are you there?!” 

Yeah, it’s not like I’m alone,I say, shrugging as I place my now empty cup down

He says nothing and I stare at the screen, the suspenseful music building

Oh, she’s going to get killed. The killers are going to be right there waiting for her.I say in frustration, my heart pounding as I watch in anticipation as the woman steps into the woods, a branch cracking under her foot

There’s an ominous sound behind her and I tense as she turns, but there’s nothing there

I let out a breath of relief as the woman sighs in relief and hurries down the path

Wrong moveZade murmurs. I’m about to question him when suddenly the masked killer springs out at her, knife in hand

I flinch, grabbing onto Zade’s knee, and turning away from the screen as she tries to fight off her attacker. 

She’s as good as dead,he murmurs, running his fingers through his hair

She’s one of the main characters. She won’t die.I say, not wanting to admit. what looks like an inevitablity coming. She won’t die

She ignored her initial instincts, plus without a doubt, it’s her brother,Zade 


No, it won’t be. He’s got no reason to be the killer, plus he’s done nothing suspicious.” 

+15 BONUS 

And if I’m right?Zade asks as the gory sounds of stabbing stop, the woman dead, and the scene changes. I look into his eyes suspiciously


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