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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 358

Chapter 0358 


An hour later, it’s over and, as he predicted, the killer was indeed Beth’s brother. The very same guy he had said it would be, but before he could say anything 

cocky, my phone rings and I pick it up quickly

Zaia! How are you?I say, not missing the way Zade stiffens

I’m great. You sound happy today, good day?she asks

Kind of, not too bad, I guess. I visited the hospital and seems like I’ll be quite busy. How are my little nieces and nephews?I ask

They are all great, and they are sending you all their love and kisses.” 

Zade stands up and walks away, giving me some privacy and I appreciate it although I know he’ll probably be able to hear everything, anyway

I got your text earlier, and I was a little worriedWhat’s wrong hun?Zaia’s voice softens and I close my eyes, wishing I hadn’t replied when I didn’t feel great. Zaia notices everything and she’s obviously picked up on it

I didn’t even say much. Why would you think something’s up?” 

Exactly, your message just wasn’t how it would be usually. What is it?” 

I sigh, leaning back in my seat. Nothing, I just had a bit of a low moment.” 

Jai?she whispers knowingly and my heart clenches


No,I say, feeling guilty almost as if I’m betraying him

I am, aren’t I

Talk to me, what’s on your mind? I wish I was there.Zaia’s soft voice comes

I close my eyes, It’s nothing, I was just wondering how I ever was chosen as one of the Blood Borns, I mean I’m the weakest, I was the weakest even then and now tooI mean there was a huge gap in my capabilities in comparison to the rest of you.” 

Val, you were still healing when the war happened. Don’t ever think you were the weakest.” 

She’s being nice, typical Zaia

fingers through my hair

She laughs in disbelief. Make you feel better, Val? Tell me when one of us was injured, when we were in desperate need of a doctor but could trust no one, who did we go to?” 


You. When we needed operating, without even having everything we needed for the procedure, who pushed through and bravely did their best?” 


You. When I was sick during pregnancy and didn’t know what was happening, who figured it out and got me an antidote?” 


You. Who was there looking after my children and keeping the place together when we were preparing for the final showdown? You. Goddess Valerie, you are so incredibly strong. You have always been strong. I admire you, I always have. You were always the nononsense Doctor Scott who took nothing from anyone. You are my hero, Valerie, all of ours. I wouldn’t be here without you, and neither would Zion or Sia.. and the othersyou helped so many of us, Valerie. See the you that I see and you’ll understand.” 

She means it and although I see thatI’m still lacking

Those aren’t what I mean, I mean as a Blood Born, not my doctor skills,I answer quietly, remembering Zade’s words. The weakest… 

Alright then, tell me who was strong enough to walk away and forgive when your entire world was torn from you?her hushed voice comes, and I close my eyes, lowering my head

You are my biggest cheerleader. There’s no winning with you.I say smiling softly

I don’t have the faith she has in me, but hearing her words of comfort and her belief in them makes me feel a little better


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