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I Claim Your Love novel Chapter 18

The giggling and whispering brought Garrick from his deep slumber. He fluttered his eyes and looked at his surroundings only to find the girl from earlier talking to another woman who resembled her in every way.

That would be the Mother he thought.

Garrick's pain had subdued and he was feeling light headed, which meant he was ready to go.

"You are awake. How are you feeling?" the older woman asked. The sudden question caught Garrick off guard and for once he could not form any words, instead he just shrugged.

"I have to let Fayette's father know about your condition. It was good meeting you young gentleman." With that the older lady left the room.

Garrick looked around to locate his belongings which were stationed on the foot of the nearest table. He was startled when the girl spoke "You haven't answered the question." Fayette was visibly upset with Garrick for his lack of gratitude for her mother who had cured him.

Garrick was skeptical about her good behaviour so he reciprocated with a glare.

Fayette was never judgemental about anyone but the way Garrick was behaving throughout, reassured her that he was not a good person at heart. "I will take that as a yes." she rolled her eyes and went to pickup the bowl from the table.

"Have the men returned?" Garrick asked not looking at her.

"No." He groaned at her response.

"I knew I should have not relied on them." he whispered to himself. "I apologise for the trouble I have caused your people but I think its time for me to leave this place."

Indeed. Fayette wanted him gone but out of courtesy she said "I think you should return once Callan and Archer are back from the mountains."

Garrick scoffed "If they really were so worried about me then they would have been here by now. I actually don't believe Callan to do anything right. He is just worthless and a good for nothing lad. He is a big unnecessary burden to our pack."

Hearing him badmouthing Callan made Fayette a bit furious. She had had it with his behaviour. In a not so subtle tone she replied. "You are wrong mister. Callan is the most reliable and trustworthy person I have ever known. He is not just a good friend but also a loving and kind soul."

Somehow hearing the girls praises for Callan did not go too well with Garrick and he growled in annoyance at her.

Fayette gasped and pointed her hand at the door. "Just leave!"

This show of blatant disrespect had made Garrick angry. Who treats their guests this way he thought.

Garrick wore his shoes, took his bag and stood up to leave for the door. As he was reaching for the door Fayette interrupted. "By the way; you were out for just two hours after my friends left, so even if they wanted they cannot reach here in this short span of time. Just so you know."

Garrick furrowed his brows and nodded his head before leaving the premises angrily.

After about half an hour from leaving the house he regained full composure and felt alive. He wanted to wait for Callan but thought against it. Callan can take care of himself He turned into his beast and sprinted for his home.

The running into the wild would make his mind free and relaxed of any stress or so he thought. Whatever happened back in the human place was not something to be forgotten easily; it kept rewinding itself throughout his journey. After insulting a guest and asking him to leave, one should feel disrespected and utterly humiliated but on the contrary all Garrick could feel was remorse; guilt for no known reason.

He reached his pack borders in no time and transformed into his human. When he was nearing the open area he saw a familiar lady approaching from the other side but almost in a battered and bruised condition. Her clothes were torn, her hair were in a disarray while her legs oozed blood which was a sight he thought he would never see.

"Rosaline!" Garrick tried to get the attention of the lady. She was visibly weak and fumbled with every step of hers. Soon her strength gave up on her and she fainted right there.

Garrick ran as fast as he could and immediately linked Einar.


The panicked voice in his mind made Einar worried Garrick your back so early. Is everything all right?

Yes and No. This reply only made Einar even more anxious. Callan was with Garrick, could it be possible that something had happened to him; something bad!

Garrick its no time for puzzles. A-Are you both alright? The panic in his voice clearly visible.

Who are you talking about?

Callan of course. You were with him right. Einar stated as a matter of fact.

Its not Callan you need to worry about; its Roseline.. Garrick replied annoyingly. How could Einar still think about Callan. He was not a child; he could take care of himself.

What happened to her? Einar seemed perplexed.

There is no time to explain. I'm bringing her to the pack house. Could you please call healer Odulf there and say it is important.

But wha... Garrick closed his connection and ran straight away to the nearest home to find some help. Luckily for him Marden and Richard had just arrived from their run. Garrick explained the situation to them and both the men helped him get the woman to the Alpha house.

The woman was brought to the guest room where Einar, his parents, Justus, Peter and elder Odulf were already present.

"Place her on the bed carefully." elder Odulf started examining his patient.

"So this is Rosaline.." Zelda said looking at Garrick with a worried expression which reflected the same as her mate.

Garrick nodded at once.

For a long time no one said anything while they were impatiently waiting for the healer to give his verdict.

"She is fine for now. She might have exhausted herself with the travelling and maybe the fighting. I have given her some medications, put on some bandages. Once she awakes tell her to change into her wolf; that will help the healing process to speed up. Her wolf is strong, she will be fine in no time."

"She was supposed to be here last week. I had sent some men to get her here. Clearly there is no sign of any of them." Ragnar expressed his concern.

Einar looked at Garrick with curiosity. "Care to explain what happened to her."

"I don't really know.. When I reached the borders I saw her at a distance, she was weak and barely able to stand. Then she collapsed all of a sudden."

"Wait.. you were with Callan right? Where is he Garrick?" somehow Garrick felt the tone as accusatory and did not liked it. He opened his mouth to reply when Marden broke the conversation.

"Look what I have found with the lady."

He carried a pointed looking sharp metal in front of his audience.

"Its a dart." he said "And there are no points on guessing who they belong to."

Of course it was a known fact that Callan used items like these as weapons for self defence and while in training. "Now I wonder how they landed here.." Marden emoted his fake concern by clicking his chin.

Justus and Ragnar's face fell with worry for they had no explanation for this as certainly the boy was in danger; while Marden and Richard were smirking for they had turned the tables against Callan.

Garrick finally looked into Einar's eyes. I know these are serious allegations but if there is any chance that there is truth in what they are saying then we must...

Einar cut short Garrick as his nose was assaulted with a familiar but an unwelcomed scent. He flared his nostrils to put a finger on it. Do you smell that?

Smell what? Garrick could smell no different and was clueless about what his friend was saying.



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