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I Claim Your Love novel Chapter 22

Right after parting ways with Garrick and the humans; Callan put his feet in motion to his designated spot. On the way though, he could feel his knees trembling and his head spinning. His eyes were contracting themselves to take in more of the surroundings. He halted his legs and put one hand over his forehead pressing his thumbs over it to ease the newly generated pain. His body was burning like a hot furnace.

He looked around for any possible help. His mother was too far away sitting with the bunch of ladies while his father was nowhere to be seen. Fayette on the other hand was sitting in the front lines and calling her would grab unnecessary attention. Any pack member would hardly care for his plea while disturbing anyone outside the pack would not be fair to them.

Callan's vision was fading and he needed help as soon as possible.

A tap on his shoulders caught his attention. "If you don't feel good maybe you should have just stayed at home."

Callan could gather that a lady wearing a green ankle length gown was standing in front of him. She had long shiny hair while she smiled at the man as if she knew him. But Callan was not able to recognise her. His sight caught hold of the bracelet she was wearing and to his relief he suddenly embraced the lady.


"Then who stupid." She smacked his forehead only to retract it fast as if she had just touched a melting lava.

"You are burning!"

"I don't know what is happening Aurora. I don't feel so good.." Callan said between his panting breaths.

"Don't worry. Lets just get out of here first."

"But what about the ceremony?"

Aurora rolled her eyes. "I am sure someone will spare the details for you. Now common!"

She wrapped her palm with a cloth and got hold of Callan's hand. Callan was feeling dizzy, beads of sweat formed around his forehead. His feet were wobbly while he was completely unaware where he was going. He tried to take measured steps to keep his balance but failed after a few times. He trusted Aurora and tried his best to follow her lead.

They escaped the ceremony and made their way through the forests. Halfway though Callan's senses gave up and he collapsed suddenly. Aurora tried to pick up the man but he was too heavy for her to lift. She struggled for sometime but she gasped when suddenly Callan's body was up above the ground floating in mid air.

"He is too heavy." Sabinus groaned and gritted his teeth to use his strength to lift Callan.

Aurora rushed to Sabinus and held his hands to ease his pain. She helped him with her own powers. "You are late. You were supposed to meet me at the entrance of the field."

"I was stalled by my Alpha. I had to attend him first."

Aurora nodded in understanding. The Rivera pack representatives were the last to show up. Since their arrival Sabinus had been busy catering to the needs of his pack. Both of them shifted their attention to Callan and very carefully made a safe way for him through the forest.

Callan was taken to a cliff by the edge of the river. He was then rested to a thick spread of grass. His breaths quivered in short quick gasps every time he inhaled. His chest thumped dramatically as he was unable to bear the chilly winds outside. He could not stop shaking either.

Aurora was visibly disturbed by Callan's current condition. But she knew that he had to go through this sooner or later.

Sabinus on the other hand was busy encircling his enchanted dust around the man. He then carefully placed five earthen pots at equal distance. He nodded at Aurora and both of them began building a mystical dome around Callan.

"How long will it take before he wakes up?" Aurora asked Sabinus curiously.

"One hour maybe. But if the procedure completes itself before that than maybe he could wake up before we could think of."

"I should have increased the dose, maybe he would have slept for three hours." Indeed it was Aurora who had put some magical herbs in Callan's food to drug him. As per their plan it was necessary for Callan to be unconscious for the procedure.

"You did good." Sabinus kissed her forehead. "Besides he wont be human after tonight so any amount of dose would have been useless."

"Will Einar be able to trace Callan here? I mean Callan has no scent remember."

Sabinus pointed to the sky "Its the blue moon my love. He will definitely find a way to be near his beloved. But when that happens we have to flee the spot."

Aurora was already feeling guilty for putting her friend in such situation and now leaving him to deal with his problems alone did not seem fair. "But why? Callan might need us. He might not adjust with his surroundings."

Sabinus sighed and put his arm around Aurora "When he wakes up, he will feel an emotional turbulence like no other. His body will be trying to modify itself. In this state he would reflect the emotions of the person who is near to him as if the feeling is his own."

"Callan would want to rely on someone." She furrowed her eyes and whispered "That means when Einar finds him; Callan's emotions would mirror that of Einar."

"Yes and since its a full moon day, all Einar would want to do is mate his beloved. Einar's wolf would want to claim Callan as his forever."

"And Callan would reciprocate his feelings." Aurora raised her brows and happily gasped as if she had solved the puzzle.

"Yes my love."

Their chat was interrupted when the sky creaked and the clouds bellowed its largest. The sky had gathered clouds above them in its fullest while the moon seemed to be shining all its glow to the ground below. The rumbling of clouds took a dramatic turn when a gigantic column of wildly twisting air appeared out of nowhere. It was fascinating but horrifying at the same time. Aurora and Sabinus quickly shielded themselves with their magic.

The twisting air made a deafening sound and was slowly approaching the earth below. The wild column kissed the ground below and encircled its tapering end around the body of the man as if sucking him in. It swept away Callan's body which was now floating up in the air. Callan's body was elevated at a considerable distance from the ground while his arms were raised to the sky as if embracing the onslaught as a friend. The air had entirely engulfed Callan and was now revolving around him vigorously. The strength of the winds had such power that it tarnished every piece of cloth Callan was wearing.

With the powerfully rotating winds came the deathly dark clouds. The condensed black mass floated around the man just outside the storm. The clouds carried the unassailable thunder and lightning which demanded attention as it gathered momentum. The clouds through the winds were dashing its flashes of lightning at Callan's body. With every stroke of thunder he beamed like a shining star. Every muscle fibre on his body glowed to the extreme while it diminished its illumination gradually. This continued for a fair amount of time until he gasped inhumanly large while his body radiated, resembling the morning sun; he shined like pure gold.

Aurora and Sabinus could not believe their eyes. They had heard and read about this phenomenon but considered themselves fortunate to witness it with their own eyes. Once in a thousand years they say. They considered themselves fortunate to have been acquaintances with such a supreme being. Callan just looked phenomenal. He radiated such a powerful aura which automatically brought the mystics to their knees. It was beyond magical.

The sky roared thunderously and the air decelerated its speed. Callan's body became horizontal and he was slowly back to the ground again. As if on que the clouds and the tornado disappeared miraculously. The sky became clear once again leaving the moon and the stars to dominate their reign.

Aurora started collecting the pots while Sabinus was trying to erase the encircled mist. He grabbed a spare trousers from his bag and wore them to the unconscious body of Callan.

"I hope elder odulf is handling the situation as planned." Sabinus prayed the goddess.

"He has the most difficult job among the three of us. I wish Callan's shirt does the trick."

"I hope so too. Now lets go."

Sabinus quickly moved his palm in a circular motion to make disappear the mystical dome around Callan while Aurora collected the five pots and wrapped them with clothes of different colors. Aurora smiled at Callan one last time and both of them left the place hoping that Einar successfully finds Callan and mates him.


After a few moments Callan could feel his heavy lids, his heart beats were steady while his quite lure to sleepiness still remained. He was conscious but just.

Soon his breathing started picking up pace. His throat went dry and he moaned lustfully licking his lips. He moved his hands through his chest and then through his hair. A fire was ignited in his gut. He unconsciously moved his hands through his chest to his abdomen all the way down to his groins.

His hands found a head as one peculiar succulent pair of lips had wrapped his penis all around it. Two hands grabbed his hips and took all of him inside their mouth. He moaned in pleasure. He tangled and twisted his fingers inside long strands of thick hair. His manhood was grabbed by a hand which generally stroked him in slow painful motions while his body was electrified when another hand ran through his naked torso. Teasing him; making him even more hungry.

His lips became aware of being touched as feathered fingertips were outlining the entirety of his lips. Small bumps appeared on the surface of his skin as his body hair became erect and he breathed heavily. He slowly opened his eyes in a daze and saw a beautiful face staring at him. He could see the lust, the passion and the hunger in those eyes.

It was Viola.

He snapped and quickly flipped, reversing the position and being the dominant. He moved the strands of hair from her face and looked at her intently. His heart beats matched hers while she coyly lowered her eyes. Callan was smitten; he could no longer hold himself and his mouth was on hers in the next instant. His didn't relent in his movements as he ravished every bit of those pulpy lips. He held the back of her neck with one hand while moving his other hand around her body seemingly removing her clothes in the process. He caressed his hands between her legs and slowly moved his longest finger inside her. Viola gasped in ecstasy. He continued the thrusts with a steady motion before putting another of his fingers inside of her. With every stroke he made, Viola screamed, moaned Callan's name. At this moment she did not care if she appeared to be needy. All she wanted was to melt in her mans arms and be the dirty bitch. Callan slowly lowered his body while kissing every part of her torso before digging his face in her lady parts. Viola couldn't hold herself and she giggled with heavy breaths; panting and moaning in pleasure.

"Wait.." She gasped in surprise and moved her head in a circular motion "Did you hear that?"

Callan uninterestingly replied "What?" and continued to fondle her vagina.

"I think I heard Einar."

Callan looked up at her and furrowed his eyes. "Why would he be here? A grand ceremony is going on for him he must be busy with that."


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