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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 19

"What treasure is it? Is it worth one hundred thousand?" Grace felt distress that Fraser lose one hundred thousand.

Fraser took out a recorder, “Anyway I think it is worth."

"Let me see what this is." Grace did not recognize it and took it.

"This is a recorder. You seem to be on your guard against them." Austin said with a smile and understood the fact.

"Sure. If I was not guarded, why would call you in advance?" Fraser gave a sly smile.

Fraser noticed something was wrong when he went to Luna, so he not only prepared a recorder in advance, but also told Grace and let them ambush outside the hotel.

After hearing a section, Grace was excited, “Brother, you are clever."

Fraser grinned, “Grace, do you think it value one hundred thousand?"

"Sure. If it is handed over to the police, these people will be sentenced. Brother, do you want me to introduce you to a police officer?" Grace returned the recorder to Fraser.

Fraser thought for a moment, “That would be mean."

"You are kind. The strong wins in this world. If you are kind, you will certainly suffer great losses." Grace said to Fraser.

Fraser hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll think about it."

"If they don't leave me alone and continue to get in my way, I will give the recorder to the police." Fraser said.

"Ok, we are leaving since you are ok. I heard that the mysterious rich man will return to Donhey in these days. My father asked us to wait in the airport." Lim looked depressed and clearly didn't want it.

"So, Grace, do you know what this mysterious rich man looks like?" Fraser was excited to hear that. He was almost 100 % sure that this mysterious rich man was his father.

"I don't know."

"Then why do you go there?"

"It simple. He was in a limousine, followed by bodyguards. And when he gets out of the airport, it will be not difficult to recognize him." Grace rolled her eyes.

"Haha, ok, wish you good luck and can catch him in advance." Fraser said that and wanted to call his parents in advance to tell them not to make any pomp.

It was Douglas, Fraser's father, who answered the phone.

"Son, why do you suddenly call me? Did you run out of money?" Douglas asked on the other end of the phone.

"Dad, I called you every day but only got through until now."

"The signal was bad abroad. I have just returned HX."

Fraser was excited. "Have you returned to HX?"


“When you come back, don't be too publicity with bodyguard and luxury car. Many people will watch you in the airport."

"Haha, I'm coming back with billions of dollars for inverstment, of course they will watch me!" Douglas smiled and said directly.

"Don't worry, I have just arrived in Guangdong. It will take at least two days to reach Donhey." Douglas said.

"So slow?"

"I'm going back by train. It is cheap by train, right? My son." Fraser was speechless about his father’s words. His father came back with tens of billions, but he was reluctant to buy a plane ticket.

"How much is the house in Donhey? We have no place to live. Help us buy a house."

Douglas thought for a while on the other end of the phone, “Is ten million enough?"

"That's enough, that's enough." Fraser really did not know whether his father was rich or poor. He was reluctant to by a plane ticket, but now he wanted to a house worth tens of millions.

"The housing price in Donhey is cheap.” When hanging up the phone, Douglas leisurely sighed.

After hanging up, Fraser walked into a cell phone repair shop.

"Dude, Can you unlock my phone?" Fraser took four mobile phones out of his pocket.


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