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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 21

Fraser's request was a little out of line, and manager of the sales office was afraid to agree.

Filip followed Fraser's words and asked, "Fraser, what will you do if you can't afford the house here?"

"If I can't afford it, it's at your disposal." Fraser said indifferently.

"Kneel down and call me grandpa?" Filip asked.

"I said if I couldn't afford it, I'd do anything."

"Uncle, bet with him." Filip was pleased to hear that.

"Filip, are you sure he has no money?" The manager was a bit wuss. After all, he was old and the manager here. If he lost he would be embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Uncle, if you lose, I will bark with you."

"There's no way we can lose."

Seeing Filip was confident and Fraser dressed in rags, the sales manager concluded that Fraser could not afford to buy the house of Cloud.

"Well, I'll bet you that!" The manager gritted his teeth and spoke with a great deal of fortitude.

He was not unconfident, but he could not lose.

In case he lost, he would say it was a joke, and Fraser cannot do anything to him.

Fraser took out his card and said, “Since you all agreed, I don’t need to see the house, swipe the card."

"Hebe, how much is the cheapest house in Cloud?" Fraser looked at Hebe.

"The cheapest house is the new apartment," Hebe said. "The smallest apartment is 35 square meters, and the price is about 400,000 yuan. For a down payment, it is about 80,000 yuan."

"Good, I have 80,000 in my card, let's go to do a contract." Fraser did not hesitate a moment.

"Fraser, don't pretend in front of us. You have no money in your card at all." Luna hummed and said in contemptuous manner.

"You will know it after I swipe the card"

Fraser followed Hebe to the finance room, swipe the card, got the receipt and invoice.

"The money is paid, the contract is signed. Come on, gentlemen, bark like a dog." Fraser put the receipt and invoice in front of Filip and others, said.

"It can't be. It must be false."

"Is it true or not, you can ask the manager. It has the seal of Cloud on it." Fraser smiled.

The manager's face was pale. He frowned and said, "Filip, this is the invoice from our company."

"How is that possible? He clearly has no money."

"Yes, we took all his money." Luna also frowned, feeling inconceivable.

Fraser coldly looked at Fraser, “Fraser, how much money did you win?"

"Half a million."

"No, we've calculated for you. You've spent half a million. You've run out of money."

"But you missed a point. Lacie’s brother returned eighty thousand to me. My sister helped me with that." Fraser showed a sinister smile, “Did not you expect that?"

Luna hurriedly called Lacie. After hanging up the phone, Luna looked pale in face.

"Luna, is what he says true?" Filip asked anxiously.

Luna swallowed the saliva and said with some fear, “Lacie said that his brother not only gave the money back to Fraser, but also was stabbed by Fraser's people. Now he is still lying in the hosplital."

“What?” Filip was flustered.

"If you had the money, why didn't you say it?" Filip looked at Fraser coldly.

"I am not stupid. If I had told you earlier, you would have cheated on my money." Fraser gave Filip a blank look.

"Don't forget, I still have your picture."

"What picture, show me." Fraser smiled even more proudly.

Filip scolded, “I understand now why Boss Lam's daughter had appeared in front of the hotel, and why she snatched our mobile phones when she was leaving? You had arranged that." Filip clenched his fist.


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