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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 23

"Fraser, you stole things and we caught you. Why are you smiling?" Seeing Fraser smile, the head teacher could not help but frown and wonder whether this child had a sense of shame.

"No, did Fraser steal something?"

"I never thought that Fraser would be a thief."

The class startled, watching Filip's watch taken out from Fraser's table.

Although Fraser was poor, he had never stolen anything from others, because his father had taught him since his childhood that no matter how poor a person was, he should not steal, rob, cheat or commit a crime.

There was a time when Fraser was poor and made a living by collecting rubbish. But even then, Fraser never stole anything from others.

"That's impossible. Fraser looks honest. How can he steal from others?"

"He invited everyone to dinner the other day, and he spent a lot of money."

"Perhaps the money for our dinner was stolen, too."

The classmates talked in succession. Fraser could not stand it and he shouted out loudly, “I didn't steal Filip's watch!"

"Fraser, stop denying. Now you got caught, why do you have to deny?" Stefan looked at Fraser maliciously.

"You must have put the watch in my table." Fraser believed in the way.

"Fraser, we have no problems on each other, why should put Filip's watch to your table." While it was true that Stefan put the watch, how could he admit it?

"Instead, I would have put in my own table. Filip's watch was Rolex worth tens of thousands.” .Stefan said and suddenly found the head teacher staring at him.

"Teacher, don't get me wrong, I'm just using an analogy. I'm not bold enough to steal from others." Stefan smiled awkwardly.

"Teacher, Fraser must be poor and crazy."

After Patrick said this, Fraser almost could not resist taking out more than eight million yuan of his savings.

He was so rich, why should he steal things?

"Fraser, stop arguing. Even if you can deny on the watch, how about the mobile phone? I personally took them out from your pocket." The head teacher rolled his eyes at Fraser, and was sure Fraser was the thief.

"My God, Fraser not only stole Filip's watch, but also stole his mobile phone."

Hearing the words of the head teacher, all the students in the class turned up their pockets to see whether their mobile phones were still there.

Everyone was relieved that they hadn't lost their phones.

If there is a thief in the class, then everyone must be on tenterhooks in the future.

Tyler and Ella could only look at Fraser was insulted, but they cannot do anything. Now, in addition to strong evidence to prove his innocence, there was no other chance.

Even if Douglas came, it won’t help.

So what if he was the son of a billionaire? He cannot steal anyway.

"Filip, can you forgive Fraser?" At this time, Ella looked at Filip with a praying face.

Now perhaps only Filip can save Fraser.

As long as Filip forgave him, Fraser was likely to be fine. But was that possible?

Filip did so deliberately was to frame him.

Filip rolled his eyes at Ella, ignoring her.

"Fraser, you are doomed this time." Filip came to Fraser and whispered in his ear.

"Well, do you think Fraser will go to jail?"

"His future will be ruined if he is in prison."

Some students in the class were worried, “The college entrance examination is coming soon. If he is caught, he will miss the college entrance examination."

"After studying hard for the college entrance examination, I did not expect that all his previous work would be wasted. Fraser's academic performance was so good."


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