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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 25

In the past three years, Douglas had experienced a lot and had never retreated in the face of numerous challenges. But now he stopped standing at the door of a small office.

A character who dared to do anything now did not dare not to step into a small office.

"Why don't you go in there? You've been missing him for three years." Joanna rolled at Douglas and took the lead to go in.

The moment Fraser saw his mother, he could not hold back his tears.

He was neither weak nor strong enough.

On the contrary, he was stronger than anyone else.

He held on for a long time, but he could not hold on any longer at this moment, because he finally saw his relatives.

Fraser had not shed tears in the past three years. But now he shed tears because he had met his mother who can understand him and tolerate him.

"My boy, sorry for that." Joanna came over and snatched Fraser into her arms.

Douglas stood outside the office for a while before he came in.

He became serious and grumpy from tenderness.

"Hold back the tears!" Douglas looked at Fraser and shouted sharply.

"You are a man, don't cry!" Douglas glared at Fraser with his words scared Fraser's tears away.

"Are you Fraser's parents? Here's the thing. Your son is suspected of stealing other people's property, so..." Fraser's teacher hasn't finished his words yet. Douglas was impatient.

"Fraser, come here!"

Douglas called Fraser to his side and said, "Did you steal other people's property?"

"Dad, I didn't..."

Before Fraser could finish his words, Douglas interrupted him, “Ok, I know it."

"Did you guys hear that? My son said did not steal it." I trust my son more than you, so if my son said he did not steal it, then he didn’t do it." Douglas said in an unassailable tone.


At this moment, both Fraser's head teacher and Luna's head teacher were stunned.

They had met many parents, but it was their first time to meet unreasonable parents like him.

"Your son is indeed suspected of stealing. This watch was found in his table." Fraser's head teacher put the stolen goods on his desk.

"Besides, we've called the police, and they'll be here in a minute."

Douglas frowned and glanced at his son. Fraser shook his head, “Dad, I didn't even touch that watch. Someone put it into my table in my absence."

"If you don't believe me, you can take fingerprints from the watch, and if they're mine, I'll admit it." Fraser said fearlessly.

Douglas nodded in satisfaction, “Check the fingerprint when the police come."

Douglas was pleased to touch his son's head. His son was not stupid that he could have the idea to prove his innocence with fingerprint.

"Let's put the watch on hold. What's wrong with the phone?"

"I personally took the mobile phone out from your pocket, how do you explain about that?" The head teacher looked at Fraser sternly and wanted to see how he quibbled this time.


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