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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 27

“You're fucking dreaming.” Filip was not stupid, of course he understood what Fraser wanted.

"Come on, let's talk." Fraser put his arm around Filip's shoulders and followed him out of the office.

After going out the office, Filip threw off Fraser's hands directly, “Leave me alone. I was annoyed to see you."

"Well, I'll call the police now and ask them to come back." Fraser smiled and took the recorder out of his pocket, "What do you think this is?"

After Freser played one section of it, Filip went pale on face.

"You do fucking have a recorder!" Filip looked at Fraser ferocious and tried to snatch the recorder.

Fraser did not have any resistance, so the recorder fell into the hands of Filip's.

Filip smashed the recorder on the ground hard, and crushed with his feet.

"Is it a crime for you to destroy my personal property?" Looking at the angry Filip, Fraser really wanted to laugh.

Now Filip, like a madman almost lost the ability to think.

"It is just a recorder. I can compensate you a new one." Filip took out his wallet and took out five hundred dollars.

"Is that enough?"

Fraser shook his head.

"A thousand, enough?" Filip bit his teeth and took out five more.

"Son of bitch, this recorder costs at most one hundred, and isn’t it enough that I give you a thousand?" Filip swore at Fraser.

"I don't want any money. I want your Porsche." Fraser said calmly, “Didn’t you say I have half of the credit to yout Prosche?"

"I might as well tell you, Filip, I have a backup of that recorder. So it is usless to destroy the recorder. I can go to the police station at any time to report you and accused you of blackmail, and that you and Stefan framed me up."

Fraser suddenly remembered, “By the way, your watch is quite expensive."

Although Fraser did not know watch well, he had heard of Rolex, which was like Rolls Royce in cars. Fraser did not know much of it, but he knew that this watch was expensive.

"Since you put in to my table, do you want to give me as a present?" Fraser gave a sinister smile.

"My father gave it to me for my birthday. How could I give it to you?" Filip glared at Fraser.

"Since you were not to give me, you were tried to set me up. How along will it be sentenced with this crime?" Fraser curled his lip and took out his cell phone. He was ready to call the police. "I don't know the law. Why don't we ask the policeman?"

Filip returned to the office and took back the Rolex from the head teacher's hand, “Keep it, ok?"

"No, this rolex is a compensation. You blackmailed me once, and we have not finished it yet." Fraser said this and went to the window.

"Well. Your Porsche looks good. I'm afraid I'll never have such a nice car in my life for a family like mine." Fraser shook his head and sighed.

"You can't have it. I will never give it to you." Filip said and clenched his teeth.

"I know you loathe to give up, so I can only look at it." Fraser said.

"Only, although I can't get it, I think you have no chance to drive it, because I plan to go to the police station tomorrow that told them you and Luna blackmailed me.” Fraser grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"You have one night to think about it. Call me when you have the result." Fraser took out a piece of paper, wrote his phone number on it, then spat on it and stuck it to Filip's chest.

Filip was totally defeated by Fraser.

He was completely defeated.

"By the way, Filip, I really want to ask you a question." Fraser stopped as he was about to leave.

"In fact, I have been holding this question for a long time."

Filip turned around and looked at Fraser, “What do you want to ask?"

"From the day we became classmates, I did not offend you, showed you respect and stayed away from you. Why did you insult and bully me over and over again?"


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