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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 5

"Since we are gonna spit the bill, can I order two Australian lobsters? I heard that a batch of Australian lobsters has just arrived. They are quite fresh." Filip asked.

"Yes, but there are so many of us. How can two for enough? Maybe ten." Fraser said with pride.

Filip's expression changed slightly and he did not speak for a long time.

"Why, can't you afford?" Fraser looked at Filip with a sarcastic face.

"Fraser, don't fucking pretend to be rich. Do you know how much an Australian lobster costs?" Filip was speechless.

Now Fraser really did not bother to ask the price, as the grandson of Dubai's richest man, he could eat what he wanted!

But he still asked, “How much is one?”

“More than a thousand.” Filip said.

"Isn't that ten thousand for ten?" Ella covered her mouth in surprise.

"Ten thousand for ten lobsters. Shall we have nothing but lobster tonight?" Filip snorted.

Filip thought Fraser would be intimidated when he learned the price of lobsters, but instead, Fraser waved his hand and said to the waiter, "Ten Australian lobsters.”

“Okay, do you need anything else?” The waiter handed the menu to Fraser.

Fraser took it in both hands and glanced at Filip's face, “Filip, do you want to go first?"

Filip shook his head and said, “You order. I go to the bathroom first, and will be back soon."

When Filip went out, he gave Patrick and Stefan a wink and called them out.

"Fraser, don't order more, ten lobsters will be enough." Tyler said with some heartache.

"No, I'll order something I like." Fraser opened the menu and scanned it.

"Sauteed shredded potatoes, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, homemade tofu, smashed cucumbers..." Before Fraser finished reading, he was interrupted by Luna.

"What a loser. Just eat these when you come to a five-star hotel." Said Luna Frowning.

"It's all home-cooked. Can you order something else?"

"All vegetables, at least order some meat dishes."

Quinn and Lacie also began to laugh at Fraser.

"Vegetables are nutritious. Now the rich eat vegetarian diet, do you understand?" Fraser did not speak, but Ella stood up for him.

"Ella, you really can eat anything, so you will take Fraser, the poor loser."

"Look at that poor beggar's calluses, they can be used as a shoe brush. If you let him touch your face, he can disfigure you."

"That may not be certain. Ella’s face was as thick as the city wall."

Ella alone, of course, was no match for the three women, but she was not angry. She said defiantly, “I am willing to be disfigured."

Ella put Fraser's hand on her waist, but Fraser quickly withdrew his hand.

Not having touched a woman for so many years, Fraser was not only nervous but also a little scared just now. After all, there were so many classmates in the private room.

"Ella, Fraser doesn't seem to like you!"

"Well, you are too sad to compare with Luna. A while ago you tried your best to approach Filip, finally Filip became Luna's boyfriend. Now you approach Fraser. Don't you know he is Luna’s ex-boyfriend?” Lacie looked at Ella and said.

"Lacie, don't be ridiculous. Fraser and I were just common friends before." Luna said.

Just now Fraser pulled back his hand. That was a humiliation for Ella.

Ella was furious. She refused so many people, but she took the initiative on him, and was rejected.

At this time, Filip and others came back.

With sinister smiles on the faces of Patrick and Stefan, Fraser speculated that they must have done something bad this time.

“Let me see what you've ordered!” Filip took the menu in the waiter's hand and glanced at it.

"Sauteed shredded potatoes, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, homemade tofu, smashed cucumbers... Haha, funny." Filip covered his stomach and laughed all the time.

"Fraser, good for you. Get the Emperor Room to eat these."

"Filip, I think he has no more money." Stefan snorted.


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