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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 55

“Come on, don't boast with me. There are many clients out there waiting for you." Fraser was angry, “After you went out an hour and told me you had killed Alan, do you think I will belive you?"

"Why do you have no blood on you if you killed a man? You killed a man, and you can talk so calmly?" Fraser stared at Steven mercilessly.

Fraser did not believe that Steven really killed Alann, because Steven's performance was too calm. He did not look like he had killed a person.

Steven sighed, put on his overalls and went to work.

Fraser came to Mason's box with a bottle of low strength red wine.

Mason looked at Fraser and smiled, "You are here, boy."

"Uncle, my father may not have time to come, so I came to apologize for him." Said Fraser, pouring Mason a glass of wine.

There was no change in Mason's face. There was no sign of anger.

"I knew he wouldn't come to see me today." Mason shook his head and said, "He asked me to come here just because he wanted me to shock the people here."

"And you were fooled by my father?"

"It’s my honor to be fooled by your father, and I did not come in vain. This golden dragon let me see your father's investment strength.” Mason said with a smile.

"Since your father is willing to invest two billion to open this bar in our Donhey, it shows that he has plans to invest in Donhey."

"Just not yet." Mason sighed and said, "I was too impatient."

After that, Mason and Fraser chatted for a while. They were talking and laughing in the box, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

Especially Filip and others was shocked.

Jay and Zach knew Mason. Although Jimmy did not know Mason, he knew the man around Mason. He was the lead of the police, Mateo Scott.

People like had underworld background was afraid of Mateo Scott the most.

Jimmy and Jordan were scared just now because they saw Mateo.

"What's the matter? How can Fraser a loser know Mason?" Filip was stuned by seeing this scene.

"No way, if this guy has such a towering background, how can he still be a waiter at this bar?" Jay frowned.

"Don't provoke this boy in the future, in case it leads to Mason's anger, none of us can take the concequence." Zach said, shaking his head.

At this moment, several rich second generation were pale on face. They were afraid that one day Fraser will retaliate against them.

"Who is Mason?" Lacie asked in doubt.

"The lead of Donhey City." Jay sighed, “Your classmate's background can be towering."

"Look, they are having a good talk. The relationship between these two people must be unusual." Jay was sure about that.

"Impossible, impossible." Filip couldn't believe it.

"Filip, face the reality. Haven’t you always been curious why you were expelled from DH First School? The answer is clear."

"If it wasn't for Mason standing behind Fraser, do you think Tom Cole would have expelled you? To expel you is to offend your father, and Tom Cole won't do that even he offends the Director of Education Bureau."

"So Fraser is not a poor relative of the Director of Education Bureau, but a relative of Mason?!" Filip's body hit a shock.

"Whether they are related or not, we must keep away from him in future." Jay said.

Most of all, Jay was afraid of offending the powerful people.

The companies of Filip, Zach and Jay cannot stand an investigation.

As long as an in-depth investigation was carried out, these companies would go bankcrupt.

Eric was developing red light district. If a procedure was not approvedn, the whole project will run aground, the money that invested in red light district would be gone.

So, Filip was not afraid of him.

But Jimmy did not intend to let go of Fraser, “We can't move him on the surface, but we can do it secretly."

"Yes, Jimmy is right, we can do it secretly." Filip immediately laughed and drank a glass of wine with Jimmy, “Jimmy, you can't let this boy go."


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