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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 82

"Cohen, what do you mean?" Jimmy watched Cohen warily.

"No matter in terms of experience or means, who do you think is better between me and Jordan?" Cohen asked with interest.

"Cohen, of course it's you. Even my father said that if you had fought with him, you might win the East City." Jimmy was kissing Cohen's ass.

"Isn't that enough? I can help you."

Cohen coldly smiled, “As long as we join hands, I guarantee Jordon was not a match to us."

"Join hands?" Jimmy frowned.

Jimmy knew Cohen was to use his financial power and manpower to defeat Jordan.

"Why, you don't want to avenge your father?" Cohen said.

Jimmy shook his head, “I do, but I do not understand what do you mean by joining hands? Cohen, can you explain?"

"Let’s go to the point." Jimmy smiled, “Cohen, as you helped me get rid of Jordan, I can give you what you want."

"You're as smart as your father, boy." Cohen smiled happily. "Of course, I won't help you for nothing. When it's done, I want two million."

"Money?" Jimmy was stunned for a moment, thinking that Cohen wanted his territory.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in territory. I only have a few men. Even if you give me territory, I can't take care of it. I had been in prison for five years, and I have already been tired of fighting and killing life, I don't want to live in fear."

Cohen looked sincere and said, "Well, two million is not much, is it?"

Jimmy nodded, “No problem, as long as you get rid of Jordan, I will give you two million."

"That's a deal, then." Cohen smiled insidiously, “I'll go back and think about how to deal with him now."

"Ok, I'll wait for your good news, Cohen." Jimmy laughed.

As soon as Cohen left, the brush cut came to Jimmy.

"Boss, what the hell is he doing here?" the brush cut asked.

"He wants to join hands with me against Jordan." Jimmy frowned, “He also said that my father is killed by Jordan."

"I can't trust him, even though he swore in front of me. Brush cut, keep eyes on him." Jimmy said.

"I suspect he was sent by Jordan to test me." Jimmy suddenly became scared. If was really like that, he was screwed.


And on the other side.

In The Old Days, Jordan was happily drinking, without perceiving the danger was coming.

Quinn pulled Fraser's arm, “Fraser, let's go up to the disco."

Fraser wanted to refuse, but it was her birthday today, so he agreed.

"Ok." Fraser stood up.

Quinn took Fraser's hand and walked into the dance pool. Seeing this, Luna frowned and was unpleasant.

After Luna drank a mouth of wine, a classmate said, “Luna, are you jealous?"

"Angel, what are you talking about, I am not?" Luna rolled her eyes at Angel.

Angel burst into laughter, “We have known each other for three years, don't pretend in front of me. Do you still like Fraser?"

Luna frowned, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

After last time, Luna felt Fraser become more and more charming, she seemed to like Fraser again.

When she saw Quinn and Fraser ran away hand in hand, Luna felt a needle in her heart.

"Luna, Fraser is a good boy, look, Quinn took the initiative."

Angel added, “If you don't take the initiative, Fraser will be Quinn’s boyfriend.”


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