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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 94

“Fuck! Don’t you dare to scare me!”

After cursing, Jordan asked, “Say it. What’s the matter?”

“Someone comes here to mess around with our business.”

“Fuck! What the hell are you waiting for? Beat the shit out of him!” Jordan didn’t forget to ask, “What? You are scaredy-cats?”

“No, it’s just they’ve got your woman.”

“My wife?” Jordan got dumbfounded, his hands shaking. “Tell them to stay the fucking away from my wife. I’m coming.”

“What’s the matter?” Grace asked.

“Someone kidnapped my wife and messed around with my business.” Jordan’s face darkened as he got nervously upset.

“Who would get the balls to kidnap your woman?” Grace’s brows crinkled.

There were only two mafia syndicates in Donhey, which were Jordan’s and Boss Lam’s. Since Boss Lam was Jordan’s uncle, Jordan was one of the leaders of Boss Lam’s, too.

So, who else dared to mess around with Jordan?

“I don’t know, and I have to go there to find out the truth.”

Jordan called his wife, but she just didn’t pick it up.

“Holy shit! She must be in danger now.”

“I swear to kill the mother-fucker!” Jordan’s fist clenched and punched it into the wall.

He was really exasperated.

After Jordan frantically rushed out of the hospital, Fraser said, “Sis, I think Jordan might get insane.”

“He used to keep his composure well. I can’t believe he can be so insane.” Grace’s brows pressed together. “I have to call my dad about it.”

Grace realizes that the guy who kidnapped Jordan’s wife must be a hard nut to crack. Only her father can help deal with it.

“Where’s the buzz cut? I wish he’d be by Jordan’s side now to help him.” Fraser was afraid that Jordan could be emotional enough to fall into the bad guy’s trap.

Fraser always regarded the buzz cut as a superhero guy. He thought Jordan would be safer with the buzz cut.

The buzz cut used to follow Jordan. Where was he today?

Fraser asked, “Is the buzz cut sick today?”

“He’s dead,” Grace blurted angrily.

“Impossible! He’s yet so young and strong. How could he be dead so easily?” Fraser’s jaw dropped.

“Come on. I’m kidding, okay?” Grace felt speechless. “And you believe me?”

Boss Lam’s phone rang off.

“Hello, my sweetheart! I’ve missed you so much. How’s it going?”

“Save it! I’ve got an emergency,” Grace said.

“What?” Boss Lam got panic. “Were you bullied by others? Who did it to you? I’ll kill him!”

“Well, it’s Broodie who bullied me. Go to kill him now,” Grace answered.

“Come on, sweetheart. He’s your future husband. He’ll do nothing but love you hard.” Boss Lam smiled.

“Nonsense! I’m serious. Jordan’s wife was kidnapped. Hurry up and find out who did it.”

“What? Who had the balls to mess around with Jordan? He’ll die in blood.”

Boss Lam’s brows crinkled as he said, “Okay, I’ll order my hitmen to look into it.”

“By the way. When will you come home?”

But all he got was the beeping sound from the phone.

“Crap! My dear Grace, I’ve got a such a perfect husband for you. Why don’t you thank me and love him?” Boss Lam rumbled after hanging it up. Then he summoned his hitmen.

“Go to find out if my niece has pissed some fucker off.”

“Boss, we’d got the information you want,” A man with long hair said, “A bunch of outlanders kidnapped your niece’s wife. Are we going to help him out?”


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