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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 313

Ella’s POV

“Are you sure this cage is strong enough to keep her locked up?”

“Jazzy said it was. We have to trust her. If we don’t, she will kill us like she did the others.”

“Yeah, but this Volana is supposed to be the strongest of them all. This cage doesn’t look all that strong. What if she uses her wolf to break out and then SHE kills us.”

“Don’t let Jazzy hear you talk like that.”

The voices faded, so I knew they were getting further away. I lay flat down on cold concrete; my entire body was numb. If I was in pain, I wouldn’t be able to feel it. I wasn’t sure what they had done to me or where they had taken me, but I knew it was dark. Very dark.

Usually, I could see clearly in the dark, but I knew as soon as I came through that my abilities weren’t working. I knew my wolf was still there, I could hear her shivering and panting in my mind. She didn’t want to hide in the furthest corner of my mind and leave me alone, so she remained close to me. But I also knew she was powerless. She was terrified, which terrified me because Val was rarely terrified.

She didn’t like this place; she got a bad sense from it. I just wished I could lift my head and try to figure out where I was. But it was no use, I couldn’t move a single muscle.

I wasn’t even sure if I was breathing.

Was I even alive?

My memory was a little foggy, but I remembered the feeling after I was injected with wolfsbane. It was like my entire insides were engulfed in flames. It was so painful; I couldn’t even scream. Then, everything went black.

I don’t know who stabbed me with that injection, but I do remember seeing Rachel. I remember her face and the eyes that appeared so empty. She was consumed by darkness; she wasn’t herself. My heart ached when I thought about it.

There was no concept of time here; I wasn’t sure how long I had been here for. How many hours; how many days? But I’ve been slipping in and out of consciousness and when I come back through, there’s always new voices. New people were watching me sleep; checking on me to make sure I didn’t move. They were terrified I would break out of here and kill them all.

Maybe if I was strong enough, I’d break out of here and fight until I was free. But I wasn’t strong. I was powerless. My wolf felt powerless.

I felt another wave of exhaustion taking over and I wasn’t going to be strong enough to fight it. I was just so tired. I closed my eyes and slipped back into sweet darkness.


Colton’s POV

The drive back to my packhouse was quiet besides the occasional sob and sniffle from some of the ladies. Ethan stayed behind with Alpha Bastien and Jake.

Once I knew everybody in my territory was safe and we spoke to Xander, I was going to return and join the search party. I wasn’t going to sleep until Ella was safe in my arms again. I still wasn’t sure what Selene wanted to speak to him about; she wouldn’t elaborate.

“I can’t explain it, but I think Alpha Jonathan has something to do with this,” Max growled within me.

“Bastien confirmed that Jonathan was downstairs the entire time,” I told my wolf.

“It still doesn’t feel right,” he murmured in response.

I knew he was right; it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right at all. My stomach clenched at the thought of Jonathan doing something to my mate. I shouldn’t have let her come here. I should have been here. I should have been the one to protect her.

I failed my mate.

When we got back to my packhouse Dee was the first one to greet me. I shouldn’t have been surprised that she already knew what had happened. Word travels around fast.

“You haven’t been able to find her?” Dee asked, her voice cracking as held back a cry.

“No, but we will. I have gammas on their way there as we speak,” I assured her.

She nodded slowly. She looked at Selene and her frown deepened.

“Oh, you poor dear,” Dee berated, wrapping Selene into her arms. Selene looked hesitant at first, but then she embraced Dee back, melting into her. “I know in my heart that Ella will be okay, and we will get her back safe and sound,” Dee breathed against Selene’s ear.

Selene closed her eyes, allowing a few stray tears to escape her eyes and she held Dee tighter.

“Thank you,” she breathed.

“I’ll make you something delicious for dinner tonight,” Dee said, releasing her hold on Selene’s body before looking at everyone else.

“You all should come inside and yourselves up,” Dee ordered, motioning for them all to head inside. “Come on.”

Nobody was going to argue with her. They all went inside, and Dee followed after them.

Selene looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

“Take me to him,” she demanded.

I didn’t want to take Selene to see this man; he was unstable, and he couldn’t be trusted. Bastien would kill me if he found out I let his Luna down in the dungeon to see this crazed maniac. But I also knew that Selene wasn’t the type to back down.

She always got what she wanted.

She folded her arms across her chest and raised her brows, so I sighed and motioned for her to follow me.

We went down the stairs and I stopped in front of the guard that I appointed to keep watch over this area.

“Alpha,” he greeted, looking surprised. “I didn’t know you’d be back so soon.”

His eyes went straight to Selene, and they widened in shock.

“Luna Selene!” He bowed his head in respect to her.

“The Luna would like to speak with Xander,” I explained. “Make sure no one interrupts us.”

“Yes, sir,” he said, still keeping his head bowed.


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