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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 314

Ella’s POV

When I came through again, there was a bright light shining in my eyes. I winced away; pain seared through my body and hissed in agony. I jerked away from the firm hands that were grasping me.

I felt a blow against the side of my face, and I knew it had to have been someone’s hand. Some hit me. I felt a warm liquid oozing down the side of my face and instantly smelled my own blood. My body quivered and shook in agony. I could see my wolf in my mind’s eye, and she was cowering against a corner, not wanting to speak, but also not wanting to leave me. I could see the pain in her eyes though; it was the wolfsbane. It was hurting her terribly.

“I’d like to do a proper examination of her,” said a gentle voice. My vision cleared only slightly, and I saw a tall woman standing before me. Or maybe she just seemed tall because I was being pressed to the ground.

But she wore a white doctor's coat with a blue blazer underneath. She had long blond hair and fair skin; when she looked down at me, I saw her emerald, green eyes that were practically glowing and her long lashes that nearly touched the glass of her silver-framed glasses.

From the silver, she definitely wasn’t a wolf.

She was pretty though, and she looked gentle. She was speaking to someone I couldn’t quite see. I wasn’t sure if I was still in the dark, or if it was just my vision, either or, I couldn’t tell where I was.

But I could now feel my body and I could move. If these assholes holding me would allow me to move that is. But they were pressing me hard into the ground; I could hardly breathe. They were treating me like a rabid animal. Like I was a beast they couldn’t tame.

“You can do the examination here,” a familiar voice seethed.

It was Jazzy; I knew her voice almost immediately. She was standing nearby, speaking to this woman. I’m assuming this woman was a doctor of some sort, but she wasn’t a human. Maybe a witch? She could be a healer.

“Not properly I can’t. I need my clinic. It has technology that you could only dream about. I would be able to do a full examination and get you a report on her health in only a few hours,” the woman explained; she sounded almost desperate and eager.

It worried me.

Jazzy was quiet for a moment.

“It’s not necessary,” she muttered.

‘It is if you want your spell to work. If her blood is tainted or if she’s ill, it won’t work,” the woman said in return. “Jazzy, I have been your healer for over a century. When will you learn to trust me?”

There was no response at first; for a moment, I thought maybe Jazzy had walked away. But then she spoke again, and I felt my body shuddering.

“Fine. You have 3 hours. Then I want her back in this cage. Give her more wolfsbane to be sure she doesn’t try anything stupid.”

“Yes, mam,” one of the men holding me said.

I felt a sting in my neck and then it felt like my entire body was on fire again. I wanted to scream, but the pain was too much. They wouldn’t let me go; as much as I struggled, they wouldn’t release me.

The last thing I thought about before everything went black was, “Colton….”


When I opened my eyes, I instantly wished I could black out again. I moved my arm and pain seized my flesh. I screamed in agony and looked down to see that a silver cuff was wrapped around both my wrists.

When I moved my legs, more pain consumed me, and I realized I was cuffed at my feet too. I was completely chained down on this bed.

The worst part was… I was completely naked.

However, I was more alert than I was previously. Which meant whatever they gave me to make me feel numb and out of it was wearing off.

I heard the clicking of shoes and it was coming closer. I wanted to struggle and try to break free from these chains that bound me, but I knew if I did then it would only cause me more pain. I was so weak, and I was so exhausted; I didn’t want any more pain right now.

“Oh, you’re awake,” the same gentle voice from earlier said as she approached.

I looked up to see that healer lady walking toward me.

“I’m Dr. Hannah Laureen,” she said gently, giving me a small smile. “You can call me Hannah if you’d like.”

“Where am I?” I found myself asking, surprised that I could even speak.

She looked surprised too but then she smiled.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you exactly where you are. But you are inside of my clinic right now. I’ve been monitoring and examining you for quite some time now.”

“W…why?” I struggled to ask that question; I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know the reason.

“Jazzy wants to use you to create a Volana vessel,” she answered simply as if she were ordering pizza. “But she wouldn’t be able to do that if you were unwell or tainted.”

“A Volana vessel?” I croaked. “Why me?”

She raised her brows at me as if she was genuinely surprised that I didn’t know the answer.

“Because you are the strongest Volana to ever exist,” she answered, narrowing her eyes at me. “Which means, she can create the strongest vessel to ever exist.”

The strongest Volana? I’m not the strongest Volana. I just started to be able to control my abilities. I’m still learning. I’m still young. My mother was way better than I was.

I couldn’t be the strongest Volana to ever exist. I would have laughed if I wasn’t so uncomfortable.

“So, she’s going to turn me into a vessel so I can do her bidding?” I asked bitterly.

This made Dr. Hannah Laureen laugh.

“Oh, goddess no. You are just the Volana used as the sacrifice. She has another body for that.”


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