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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120

The store manager’s heart pounded with anticipation and fear when Hamish called. He asked, “Do you have a customer named Bonnie there?”

The store manager glanced at Bonnie and recalled Brittany addressing her as Bonnie. The manager replied, “Yes, sir. She’s here.”

“Let’s cut to the chase. She can take any dress she likes from the boutique and doesn’t have to pay a cent. Don’t worry about it. Whatever she takes will go to your commission.”

The manager was shocked. She hung up the phone and stiffly turned to Bonnie. “I–I’ll pack this dress for you right away, Ms. Bonnie.”

‘What on earth just happened?‘

The same question crossed Brittany’s and Avril’s minds.

“Sure. Thank you.” Bonnie gave the store manager the dress and told Avril, “Let’s keep looking.”

Avril could not find her voice until after a good while. “Wh–what just happened, Bonnie?”

Bonnie responded smilingly, “Didn’t I just tell you that I know a guy?”

Avril’s eyes widened.

‘Who in the world is the guy she knows? How does Bonnie know someone who’s even more powerful than the Dyngards, who are supposedly business partners to Tang Fusion Studios?‘

Brittany was furious when she saw the manager packing the dress. “Hey! Who said you could pack that for her? My family is the business partner of your headquarters! I want the dress. You have to sell


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