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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Halle started feeling worried. She looked at Rowena, who said anxiously, There’s no need to watch the security footage, Ivor. After all, Grandpa Sigmund likes her. I might not care about her, but I need to show him some respect.

What’s done is done. My grandmother’s been gone a long time anyway. I can hold on to the bracelet forever, but she won’t come back to me. I’ll do Grandpa Sigmund a favor and let this slide.Then, Rowena took Halle’s arm and said, Let’s go, Halle.

Ivor stopped them. Who said you could leave?

Rowena and Halle stopped in their tracks and looked at each other. They didn’t get it. Why wasn’t Ivor letting this go? He was a privileged, capable man. There was no way he loved a nobody like Bonnie!

Ivor stepped briskly toward them. Apologize to Bonnie!

WWe didn’t do anything wrong!

Alright. I’ll check the security footage and send it to everyone in the family,He said coldly. That shook both of them to the core. Their faces turned pale.

The coldness and the cruel indifference in Ivor’s eyes were unmistakable. Apologize to Bonnie, and do it properly. Otherwise, I’ll make you two regret what you did!

The struggle was real for both Halle and Rowena!

I’m going to count to three.Ivor didn’t give them any time to think and began to count.



Halle and Rowena almost turned blue in the face as they struggled to keep silent. They gritted their teeth. This was the biggest humiliation they had ever experienced in their lives! However, they had no choice but to cower before Ivor.

We’re sorry!Halle and Rowena apologized at the same time. They even bowed to Bonnie.

You can go now.Ivor said with a blank face.

Halle and Rowena did not waste a second and turned to leave.

Bonnie walked to Ivor and said, Thanks for standing up for me. I didn’t really need your help, but I have to say I owe you a favor. I don’t like having that hanging over my head. How do you want me to repay you?

He pointed upstairs. Play chess with me.

Bonnie nodded. Sure, but I have to see to some business outside. Let’s do it tonight instead.


Chapter 34



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