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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 408

an graduate from college and will still work for someone. How much can she earn? She should quit college and marry my son as soon as possible. We’ll provide 

your niece with food and housing.” 

Wait a minute. Laura said. The more Ayd Yard, the more Lauren felt something was amiss

Bonnie chuckled and said, They’re such lovely people, Aunt Lauren. Don’t you have a daughter? Perhaps you should introduce her to Tanum. I don’t want to involve myself with them. After all, I have a boyfriend- 

I mean, fiance.” 

She said fiance because it was more convincing than a boyfriend 

Aya raised her voice and pried, Wait, why do you have a fiance? What is the meaning of this, Lauren ?!” 

She’s making it up. Her mom told me about it. Young people just love using such tactics to turn down blind dates. When Lauren said that, Aya and Tanum seemed relieved

Bonnie stood up and exclaimed, Why don’t you belleve I’m engaged

Laurent pulled Bonnie down and said, Stop It. You don’t have a fiance. Sit down so we can talk this out 

Birtido have a tender Bonnie retorted

Chapte 409 


Fine, I’ll play along. Where is your fiance, then? I want to see him now!” 

A moment later, a charming voice sounded, I’m sorry I’m late, Bonnie.” 

Thump, thump

Bonnie’s heart raced. The voice and scent were familiar, causing something to arise within her. However, she could not explain what it was. As she slowly turned toward the voice, his handsome face appeared

It’s been a while, Bonnie thought


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