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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 412

Chapter 412 

Hey, Mom, what’s up?” 

Bonnie, what’s happening? II heard that Ivor is the wealthiest man in Pyralis!

Bonnie glanced at Ivor and said, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, Mom. I just didn’t want you to worry about me. After all, plenty of convoluted stories surround the rich and powerful.” 

So, you knew I’d be worried,Welma said, sounding like she was scolding her daughter. Still, she was more concerned about Bonnie’s wellbeing. Are you two serious about your relationship?” 

Ivor suddenly took Bonnie’s phone and said, Mother, Bonnie is more important to me than my life. Losing her means losing my will to continue living. Don’t worry about it, Mother. What’s mine is hers, and I will dote on her to make her the happiest woman in the world.” 

Anyone else would have sounded cheesy saying that. However, Ivor’s tone carried significance. It sounded like he made a solemn oath

Bonnie stared at him in a daze. That familiar, inexplicable feeling arose within her again, growing increasingly potent

Meanwhile, Welma held onto her phone motionlessly. Since her phone was on loudspeaker, Gerald heard the whole conversation. The older couple exchanged glances and smiled gratefully

Gerald took his wife’s phone and said, Hey, the summer solstice is coming soon. Would you like to visit us with Bonnie then?” 

Sure thing, Father!Ivor smiled and looked at Bonnie, saying, Father invited us to have dinner with them during the summer solstice.” 

Why are you calling my dad father‘ as if it’s second nature?” 

You have a point. He’s not my dad, but our dad.” 

Fine, I can’t argue with you now. Let’s just go home and get some sleep.” 

Whatever you say, honey.” 

As they left the hospital, Bonnie suddenly stopped. Ivor asked, puzzled, What’s wrong?” 

She frowned and looked around while Ivor asked again, Did you forget something?” 

I think someone’s been following us.” 

Ivor grew vigilant. He could not afford to take her safety lightly. However, he observed his surroundings and saw nothing suspicious

Bonnie frowned and said, Maybe I’m imagining things.” 

No, that’s not necessarily true. Considering your capability to fight, I believe you have sharper senses than ordinary people. Although you could be wrong, it pays to trust your senses,Ivor said as he called 

Floyd, Send a few more men to keep Bonnie safe. I suspect someone’s following her.” 


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