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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 414

Chapter 414 

Ivor, do you notice the car behind us? It’s been following us the whole time.” 

Ivor turned and glanced at it. He asked, Do you think it’s the same guy you thought was watching us at 

the hospital?” 

Most probably.Bonnie guessed

Ivor took his phone and made a call. A few minutes later, several more cars appeared behind them. Bonnie said, Those are probably his men.” 

Immediately after, one of the cars sped up and overtook Ivor’s car, preventing them from driving further. Soon after, Ivor and Bonnie were surrounded. The couple opened their doors and glanced at the vehicles. They counted more than twenty of them

The men wore masks and brandished deadly weapons. It was evident they were wanted criminals

Bonnie asked indifferently, Who sent you?” 

Jeez, little lady. I can’t believe how composed you are. I bet it’s just an act. So, are you secretly scared and want to pee yourself? There’s nothing to fear. We’re all here to show you some love. You’ll be begging for more before you know it. Hahaha! The leader laughed lewdly

The rest followed suit, eyeing Bonnie with filthy thoughts. Ivor squinted at them menacingly and uttered, ” 

You’ll die.” 

Immediately after, he charged at the leader and kicked him. The latter flew and slammed into a tree. Ugh! Cough, cough!” 

The leader coughed blood after suffering Ivor’s devastating kick. Bonnie frowned and said, You still have 


head injury. You don’t have to go so hard.” 

You’re my fiancee. Do you think I’ll stand aside and do nothing while they look at you like that?Ivor’s Volce was frigid

Bonnie could tell Ivor was furious. Still, she had never seen him so enraged, which softened her heart. Suddenly, the leader roared, What are you idiots waiting for?! Chop off his limbs! Make sure he lives. I want him to watch me have fun with his girlfriend!” 

Ivor grew even more furious when he heard that. He disregarded his head injury and the criminalsdeadly weapons. He dealt with anyone who charged at him as he approached the leader

None of the men could stop Ivor from advancing. As he approached the leader, he resembled the Grim Reaper

Meanwhile, Bonnie stood still and watched as Ivor dealt with every opponent. She smiled and dashed to his side, making quick work of the criminals alongside him. Even so, it was no easy feat as they all carried deadly weapons

Fortunately, Floyd arrived with backup and wiped the floor with the criminals

Chapte 41 


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