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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 425

Chapter 425 

You’re the only one insinuating that Professor Reece is an idiot. Don’t make it my problem. Also, it’s none of your business who I’m visiting at the hospital, and it’s none of your concern how the professor will punish me

I don’t need you fanning the flames here. Anyone who could get into this university can think for themselves. You’re a fool if you think Professor Reece can’t tell you’re trying to stir up trouble here.” 

Reece heard what she said and regarded Frankie coldly. However, that didn’t mean he would let Bonnie do whatever she pleased

My stand remains the same, Bonnie. If you take a step out of this door, I’m going to flunk you. I’ll make it impossible for you to graduate from this university!” 

She cast a nonchalant glance at him. Then, she left the lecture hall without any hesitation

Reece was so pissed off that he almost passed out. Taking a blackboard eraser, he hammered it on the podium. I’ve been a professor for a long time, but I’ve never seen anyone as insolent as her!” 

Frankie almost couldn’t stop himself from sneering when he saw how pissed off the professor was

It won’t be long now. Bonnie’s going to get her comeuppance

As far as I’m concerned, the university president wasn’t involved in Natalee’s incident. Bonnie must’ve pulled some wicked tricks and got a hold of 

Natalee hadn’t acted like herself for the past few de 

der. That should explain why 

On the other side, Bonnie arrived at the hospital. She looked at Russell’s medical report, and 

her delicate brows furrowed

Don’t worry about it, Bonnie. It’s not that serious.Russell’s face 


pale, but he still 

You know I have medical knowledge, Russell. I know what’s happening with you, and it doesn’t look good.She checked his pulse

It was so weak that she could barely feel it

You shouldn’t worry about the university for the time being. Instead, you need to rest.” 

You’re right.The older man smiled warmly. I’m leaving the university in your care from here on out. I believe it’ll grow stronger with you at its helm. Pyralis University will be able 

Chapter 425 

to mold more students into bright minds!” 


Raising her hand, she rubbed her eyebrow helplessly. She knew he’d thrust his task to her before she came to the hospital

You can’t turn it down, Bonnie! If you do, I’ll have to return to work.” 

She knew he was trying to win her sympathy, but that didn’t mean she could let him go to the university in his current state



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