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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 430

Chapter 430 

Of course I am.” Thaddeus put on indoor slippers and went into the kitchen with Bonnie

What are we going to cook today?” 

She opened the fridge. I’ve prepared the ingredients. I will teach you how to make blackened catfish and Jamaican jerk pork ribs. HmmLet’s add cheeseburger sliders to the list. Kids love that

You might think sliders are typical food, and you could easily make it. That’s not the case here. Culinary art isn’t all about the ingredients. If your skills are subpar, then even the best and most expensive ingredients would’ve been wasted

It takes an excellent cook to make the most common food ever.” 

I agree with you wholeheartedly.He nodded. Then, he couldn’t stop himself from asking it. Speaking of

I noticed a pair of slippers for kids in the cabinet earlier. A minute ago, you talked about making a dish 

that kids love

Who’s the kid to you? Is he your little brother?” 

I guess you can say that.She responded

Does that mean he’s, in fact, not your little brother?He sensed that there was more to the story

She slammed the catfish onto the cutting board and gave him a sidelong glance, giving him a hint

He immediately made another gesture and zipped his mouth shut

At that moment, a black Maybach quietly pulled over outside her villa. Ged pointed at the luxurious car parked on the porch and asked, Why does that car look a little familiar?” 

Ivor also noticed the white Bentley

Why does that look so much like Thaddeus’s car?The more he looked at it, the more he thought he was right. It can’t be, though.” 

Then, he cast his mind back to what his childhood friend told him a few days ago

Thaddeus told me he became an apprentice to a lady with excellent culinary skills. He also said she was 


Wait a minute. That reminds me. The chef at Jade Horizon Hotel served us food every time I went there with Bonnie. He was very respectful toward her, too

Could it be?‘ 

At the thought of that, he quickly opened the car door and got out. Once he opened the villa door, he saw 

a pair of male leather shoes at the entrance

Ged was surprised to see it. Do you think Bonnie wanted to keep you away because she’s seeing someone behind your back?” 

Chapter 430 


As soon as he said it, he covered his mouth and looked at his best friend. UmI’m just thinking out loud, Ivor. Perhaps Benedict is here. As for the car” 

Before he could finish, Ivor had already entered the living room. He heard a commotion in the kitchen and 

dashed over

He was approaching the door when he heard a man’s voice

seriously have no idea how to cut the vegetables, master. Could you take my hand and show me how 

it’s done?” 

Wait a minute. That voice‘ 


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