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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 440

Chapter 440 

Reece needed to prove to himself that he was merely seeing things. He walked briskly toward the security guard. Eventually, he picked up his pace and ran after the latter

However, he ran for a while and still couldn’t see anyone

In the end, he went to the security office and asked for all the footage. He sat down and went through all. of it, but he didn’t see anyone looking remotely close to Jim

Does this mean I was actually seeing things?” 

Reece went back to the lecture hall and discovered Bonnie wasn’t there

Back to your seats, guys. The class is going to begin now. Today, we’re looking at” 

Frankie raised his hand and said, “You forgot about taking attendance, Professor Reece.” 

His classmates were very curious, too. Reece was known for being so strict that he’d never miss out on 

taking attendance before he started every single lesson. So, why did he forget about it today

Pursing his lips, Reece looked at Frankie angrily

Bonnie’s over there by the library, Professor Reece. Look!Frankie pointed at a spot not far from the 

window and shouted

He didn’t like how Frankie was acting, but he was curious why Bonnie went to the library instead of 

coming back to class 

He was feeling a little puzzled and looked in the direction Frankie pointed. Then, he saw her chatting with 

a security guard

Wait a minute. I recognize that guy! His stature is similar to the one who bumped into me in the hallway

Could it be

Bonnie didn’t realize that people from her lecture hall were looking at her. She was talking to Jim, who had disguised himself as a security guard and snuck into the campus

Didn’t I tell you not to come here when I’m on campus?” 

Things are different now.” 

How so? Things have stayed the same.” 

I beg to differ, Bonnie. You used to be a student here. Now, however, you’re promoted to be its president. This is a highly prestigious position. What am I going to do if someone wants to harm you and I’m not around to protect you?He asked stubbornly

She rubbed the side of her head

This is Pyralis University. They have one of the best securities in the world. How am I supposed to be at risk at a place like this?” 

I’ll tell you what I’ve told you before I have a duty to perform. Your identity as the president of Pyralis University has attracted a lot of eyeballs, but the announcement from the research institute has made 

things worse

Everyone suspects that the new university president is closely connected to someone in the research Institute. With that in mind, you’re in greater danger than you realized.He analyzed the situation logically


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