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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 446

Chapter 446 

So, you need to use the restroom. There isn’t one around here, though. How about you relieve yourself at a tree? This is how they do it in the countryside. There’s nothing embarrassing about it.” 

Ivor turned his head sideways and looked at her. You just said this is how they do it in the countryside. Are you going to tell me you’ve seen it?” 

If Bonnie has truly seen it, then I’m going to suss out these uncultured men. How dare they let her see their private parts? I’m going to make them pay. Not even I have shown her my private part.” 

Bonnie knew what was on his mind. Her lips twitched a little

Things are different in the countryside. There aren’t as many restrooms here as there were in the city. Look, are you going to hold it in until we’re at my parentsplace? Or, are you going to relieve yourself at


Here’s the thing. There’s a solid 50minute drive until we reach my parentsplace. Are you sure you can 

hold it in?” 

At first, he thought he’d hold it in. However, he made a snap decision to relieve himself at a tree as soon as he heard what she said

He got out of the car and said to her, Keep an eye out for any strangers. I don’t intend to reveal my private part to any lady but you.” 

She didn’t know what to say

Alright. Just go. Do it now.” 

After she pushed him forward, she turned around and saw a Volkswagen driving toward her. It didn’t take more than a second to know that Jim was behind the wheel

Sheesh. I told him he didn’t have to follow me. For Heaven’s sake, I’m just going back to my hometown

Then, she composed a text and sent it to him

Keep yourself hidden. Don’t let anyone find out about you. It’ll be very hard to spin a story if Ivor sees 


Jim replied to her text promptly. Don’t worry about it. It won’t happen.” 

Who are you texting?” 

She was startled by Ivor. My family. I’m telling them that we’ll be there soon.” 

There was no reason for him to be suspicious. So, he said, Alright. Come on. Let’s hit the road.” 

50 minutes later, they arrived at her parentsplace

Benedict, who came back a day earlier, saw them and rushed over to help them with their suitcases

Mom, Dad. Bonnie and Ivor are here!” 


Ivor reached out and patted Benedict’s shoulder. Then, he gave the latter a handsome amount of pocket 



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