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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 445

Chapter 445 

My term is simple. I want you to swear an oath right now. I want you to swear that you’ll never find 

Bonnie or talk to her again. This goes without saying, but you can never act so shamelessly and guilttrip her anymore. How about it? Do you agree to this term?” 

Vera was beside herself with rage at what Avril said

How dare she accuse me of being shameless? Damn it! I would just as soon slap her if I weren’t here to help Trina!‘ 

Fine!Vera said it with a strained voice

Avril pointed at the video she had just recorded and said, I’ve recorded everything. I won’t hesitate to release it on the internet if you go back on your word

One more thing. I want you to remember that you can’t keep abusing the fact that you’re Bonnie’s biological mother and keep blackmailing her. If I see you doing it again, I will upload the video onto the 


“It doesn’t matter if Bonnie tries to stop me. I’m her best friend and her family. I won’t listen to her if she’s trying to protect someone who harms her! This is my oath, and I intend to keep it!” 

Bonnie felt moved when she saw Avril’s seriousness

‘Avril really thinks of me as her family. She’d do anything it takes to keep me safe,she thought

Don’t worry about it. I promise I’ll never disturb Bonnie again as long as Trina gets to return to Pyralis 

herself, University. Should she cross Bonnie and get herself expelled again, she would’ve brought it upon like you said!Vera said it through gritted teeth

Avril nodded. I’ve also recorded that. Even someone who lacks a moral compass would know better than to do something so pathetic and despicable.” 

Why, you….Vera was so upset that she was quivering with rage

Avril took Bonnie’s arms in hers and said, Let’s go. We’ll be late for class.” 

Okay.Bonnie walked calmly to campus as if nothing had happened at all

The moment Trina saw her mother was home, she asked hastily, How did it go, Mom? Did Bonnie agree to let me return to Pyralis University?” 

Vera let out a heavy sigh. Then, she looked at her daughter solemnly. Listen to me, Trina. I sacrificed my pride to get you this opportunity. Never cross Bonnie again! If you see her on campus, you’ll hide or pick 

another route

I don’t care how unpleasant she makes you feel, you can never approach her again. In fact, stay three feet away from her. I don’t want her to have any excuse to fight with you again. If I should find out that you’re the one who started it, I will never help you ever!” 

Judging from Mom’s tone, she must’ve had a rather unpleasant converantion with Bonnie,” 

Understood, Mom. I swear I’ll never cross paths with her and that I’ll keep three feet away from her. I’ll do you one better. I’ll stay thirty feet away from her at all times!” 

Even Gresham was wearing a sour face. I hope you can keep the promise you made to your mom. If you get in a mess again, we won’t clean it up again!” 

Okay.She nodded solemnly

I’ve learned my lesson twice now. I’m freaking scared of Bonnie. Now that Mom has given me a second chance, I won’t squander it by doing anything that might undermine me again

I’ve lost Hadwin. That means I can’t fall back on the Rhodes anymore. I’ll have to make something of 

myself in my career

Still, that doesn’t mean I’ll let Bonnie walk away scotfree. I’m going to deal with her again when I’m massively successful. I’ll let her taste the kind of humiliation she put me through a hundred fold. That’s



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