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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 455

Chapter 455 


Huh?Jim was stunned as he glanced at Ivor. He didn’t relax until he saw the herbs on the latter’s thigh. Your mom said someone got hurt, and I thought she meant you.” 

Ivor squinted at him, and the other two could not tell what was on his mind. He said, You’re a little too concerned about my fiancee’s wellbeing, Master Jim. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought something was between you two.” 

That was when Jim realized he had behaved inappropriately. He said, I thought I explained that. I owe her my life, so it’s only normal that I care about her this much.” 

It just so happened that Welma and Gerald had arrived and heard what he said. So, that’s how it is. That explains why you’re so concerned about Bonnie.” 

Yeah, that’s about it. Please don’t complicate things. Bonnie and I are just real close friends,Jim purposely phrased his sentence that way

I need to shift their attention so they don’t misinterpret my relationship with Bonnie. Still, I don’t think they would. As far as they’re concerned, Bonnie’s just an ordinary girl. They probably think she’s the furthest thing from the nation’s leading researcher. Even so, I’d rather be safe than sorry.‘ 

Before they knew it, the summer solstice ended. The following day, Bonnie and Ivor returned to Pyralis together. They had promised Ged they would attend his grandfather’s birthday as soon as the summer 

solstice ended

Ged called Ivor and asked, Hello. Where are you guys?” 

Bonnie answered the call because Ivor was driving. She said, We’ll arrive in five minutes, tops.” 

All right, I’m waiting for you guys!” 

When Ged hung up, his sister, Aimee Franklin’s, sarcastic voice sounded, What’s wrong with you, Ged? Why are you so friendly toward Bonnie? I thought you told me she loved lying

You said she claimed to have bought a Maybach and knows someone from Bonita Research Institute. You always complained about her making up stories. Judging by your tone back then, I thought you hated her guts.” 

Things are different now, Aimee. I said all that because I didn’t know her well enough. I made a snap judgment about her, but I now think she could’ve seriously bought that Maybach.Ged would have forgotten that if his sister had not mentioned the past

Hehehe.Aimee did not believe a word her brother said. She must’ve put a spell on you or something. The same goes for Ivor. I can’t believe he ignored his childhood friend, Rowena, for a country bumpkin.” 

Rowena was standing beside Aimee and heard what the latter said. The former began to cry as she said, Ththat’s enough, Aimee. Maybe Ivor and I aren’t meant to be.” 

What are you talking about? You guys would’ve been together if Bonnie hadn’t shown up!Aimee spoke up for her friend


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