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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 459

Chapter 459 

Aimee did not understand what her grandfather meant. Grandpa, what do you mean? What does apologizing to Bonnie have to do with me getting into Pyralis University?” 

Just trust me. I’ll try to talk to Bonnie alone when I can later. All you need to do is apologize to her sincerely.” 


No buts! I’ll only repeat it one more time. Apologize to Bonnie now, or you can kiss Pyralis University goodbye.” 

Although Aimee might not have understood why her grandfather said those things, she was determined to attend the university. Firstly, almost all her friends got in, and secondly, Pyralis University was in a different league now

More accurately, the newly appointed university president had secured a collaboration with Bonita Research Institute

Although Aimee would have nothing to do with their scientific research competition, it did not change the fact that she would be getting into a university that collaborated with the highly renowned research institute

She could even meet the prominent Ms. Bonita one day if she were lucky

Soon after, Edward found an opportunity to talk to Bonnie alone. Since Aimee was still nearby, he tried not to address Bonnie formally

Bonnie asked in puzzlement, Is there anything I can do for you?” 

MissahemBonnie. My granddaughter wanted to apologize but couldn’t because so many people were around. So, she asked for my help to talk to you alone.” 

Oh, okay.Bonnie nodded understandingly and looked at Aimee, saying, Go ahead and apologize.” 

The latter noticed how lightly Bonnie took it, and her guilt faded

Edward grew slightly annoyed when he realized his granddaughter was not saying anything. He asked, “Why aren’t you apologizing? I thought you begged me to help you talk to her alone.” 

I’ve never begged for anything. Why should I? Aimee thought. Even so, she needed to get it over with because she wanted to get into the university. After all, she was the one who had misbehaved earlier. So, apologizing to Bonnie would not hurt Aimee’s pride

I’m sorry about what I said earlier, Bonnie. I allowed Rowena to manipulate me

Bonnie nodded. It’s good that you can admit your mistakes.” 

‘Damn it! She’s talking to me like she’s lecturing a little kid! Ugh, it reminds me of how Grandpa talks to me. Come one, doesn’t she know we’re the same age?‘ 


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