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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 467

Avril tugged at Bonnie’s sleeves and said, “Look at how miserable Trina looks. She’s nothing but a homewrecker. I can’t believe she thought someone as prominent as Ivor would like her. Not everyone is as unobservant as Hadwin.”

Bonnie responded, “That’s enough. Whatever Trina does doesn’t concern us. Let’s check out the contestants’ inventions.”

She checked them out, but none were good enough to pique her curiosity. Then, she kept walking and came upon a familiar robot.

Avril observed it from top to bottom and said, “Huh, this one seems familiar. I wonder where I’ve seen it before.”

Then, she noticed Toby coming over. Instead of greeting him, she just stood there. It was evident he had built the robot. Avril muttered, “That explains why I find it so familiar. It’s Toby’s work.”

Bonnie was pretty fascinated by his robot and went to touch it when his cold voice sounded, “You can look at it, but you can’t touch it.”

Although he acted coldly, she did not find him distasteful. On the contrary, she saw the makings of an excellent scientific researcher within him.

“What’s with the attitude?” Avril questioned, “Fine, we’ll leave you alone. Come on, Bonnie.”

She tried to pull Bonnie, but the latter remained motionless. Avril looked at her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Bonnie stayed quiet for a few seconds and then swiftly touched the robot, causing Toby to spring into action. Although he was calm and collected before, he grew upset as he reached out to stop her.

However, Jim, who was never too far away from Bonnie, held Toby back and said, “We don’t tolerate violence here, pal.”

Toby said frustratingly, “Let me go! She touched my robot! For the record, I wasn’t going to hit her or anything. I was just trying to stop her.”


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