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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 481

As soon as Selina arrived, she overheard this. "What are you talking about?! Coleman and Bonnie are just old acquaintances."

"So they knew each other long ago. Oh, I remember now. Selina had a piano competition with Bonnie and was miserably defeated. Coleman left with Bonnie then."

"So you mean Bonnie and Coleman are childhood sweethearts. That makes Toby the newcomer."

"That's an interesting way to put it! But who knows if Bonnie will ultimately choose Coleman or Toby?"

"Let's make a bet then to guess who she ends up with?"

"That sounds fun and exciting, but we should add another option."

"What option?"

"That they all end up together."

"Haha, that's possible."

The discussion was heated and lively, with everyone having a good time. Selina glared in Bonnie's direction as she stood aside, feeling so furious she could spit fire.

‘I may not be as skilled in piano as you, Bonnie, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get back at you. Just wait. I’ll make sure to send you to hell, never to return. Coleman belongs to me, and me alone.’

The affair involving Bonnie, Coleman, and Toby became widely known in less than a day.

Ivor also received the news. He was sat at the dining table, staring at Bonnie with a deeply resentful gaze.


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