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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 484

"This is just despicable! How shameless! People like her shouldn't even exist in this world!"


Almost all the comments online were filled with curses towards her.

Avril snatched the phone from her hand as Bonnie was about to continue scrolling down.

"I shouldn't have made you feel bad by telling you about this. Bonnie, don't overthink it. Let the PR department of your research institute handle this. If it doesn't work, just reveal your identity as Ms. Bonita. Let's see if they dare say anything then."

Bonnie remained calm and said lightly, "There's no need to go that far. Besides, I don’t care about this matter at all."

"Are you saying you're not going to deal with this? You're just going to let it continue to escalate?"

"It's not that I'm too lazy to deal with it, but I've heard many of these remarks since I was young and no longer find them offensive. Even if I win the argument with these idiots, I will only end up dirtying myself."

Bonnie stretched lazily and added, "I don't have class this morning, so I'll sleep a bit more before going to campus."

Seeing Bonnie lie back on the bed as if nothing had happened, Avril couldn't resist admiring her. Avril’s parents often said Bonnie's composure was unmatched among her peers, and even the elders admired it.

If something like this happened to Avril, she would probably have high blood pressure from the rage and be desperately fighting back.

But what Bonnie said was right. Getting angry and losing sleep over these idiots did not seem worthwhile.

Avril felt even more admiration for Bonnie as she glanced at her again.


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