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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 487

"Force her to kneel in front of me." Sienna commanded.

"Yes." Two men approached Bonnie and reached for her shoulders.

Bonnie's eyes blazed with sharp coldness as she grabbed both of their wrists. With a forceful twist downward, the sound of bones breaking echoed through the air.

"Ahh!" The two men erupted into screams akin to slaughtered pigs.

But that wasn't all. Bonnie swiftly kicked at their kneecaps.

Again, two more cracking sounds. The legs of the two men were broken, leaving them kneeling on the ground.

‘This was what happens if you dare to make me kneel!’

Bonnie met Sienna's eyes with a neutral expression.

"I heard you come from a military background. Judging by your physique, you must have been practicing combat since childhood. Are you willing to fight me?"

"Hmph! Useless!" Sienna said angrily at the two kneeling bodyguards. She then took off her coat and revealed her arms and legs, which were more muscular than the average woman's.

"I did underestimate your strength, but your skills are nothing but child's play. They might work against those weaklings, but not against me. If you dare to challenge me, be prepared to be crippled!"

Sienna clenched her fists and charged forward. Bonnie gave her a single shove that sent her stumbling back several paces.

"I didn't expect you to know boxing, but even so, you're still no match for me!"


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