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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 499

Bonnie pursed her lips. She wouldn't have let Ivor fetch her bra if it weren't for her current inconvenience.

"Just get it for me, and don't make any lewd moves," Ivor heard Bonnie say as he picked up the bra.

"I'm not that vulgar. I could enjoy it with you on our wedding night. But since you said that, are you reminding me to do it?"

Unable to bear it any longer, Bonnie said, "Give it to me, then leave."

"I'll leave, but how will you put it on? Or should I help you? Don't worry, you can't see. Out of sight, out of mind, right?" Ivor chuckled as he approached the bed.

Bonnie took a deep breath and clenched her fist.

"I left the clothes here. I'm leaving now," Ivor said, immediately turning around and leaving.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Bonnie changed her clothes. After she finished, she went out.

As soon as she pushed open the door, a large palm grabbed her hand, and another hand held her waist. Then, a pleasant, low voice sounded in her ear.

"Don't refuse. You can't see clearly and have difficulty walking. If you resist, I'll carry you downstairs like a princess."

Bonnie knew the man wasn't joking. If she resisted, he would be happy to carry her downstairs in front of everyone.

"Fine, let's go downstairs," Bonnie said.

Ivor's lips curled up, and he took the opportunity to draw her closer to his chest.

This guy was the kind who could take advantage of any opportunity to escalate things. Ultimately, Bonnie remained silent and let Ivor help her down the steps.

Watching Bonnie and Ivor's intimate behavior, Sienna was convinced that they were just putting on an act.


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