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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Kay spotted Bonnie among the crowd and ran over before Orson could answer the question. I’ve mastered a few of the moves you showed me, Master. I’ll show you in a while.

Okay.Bonnie nodded.

Everyone in the crowd was utterly shocked!

Had Orson really addressed Bonnie as Master? That couldn’t be right!

Hadwin looked at her incredulously, his mind churning.

Orson approached Bonnie and bowed slightly. It’s been a long time, Master Bonnie.

She nodded politely. I’m sorry to have troubled you.

It’s no trouble at all, Master Bonnie. I’d be more than happy to paint ten pieces for you as a present for your grandparents!

Everyone was shocked again!

There was no doubt about it. Orson had really addressed her as Master!

Wait a minute!

Everyone looked at the torn painting that had been thrown in the trash and rubbed their palms


Yolanda in particular wore an expression of disbelief. She had torn the painting to pieces!

Harold called Bonnie over after he showed Orson and Kay to their seats. Tell me now, Bonnie! What on earth is this? How did you meet Master Orson?Everyone surrounded the two of them, eager to

hear her answer.

Oh. It all happened on a fine morningBonnie recounted the tale briefly.

What? You kickbox?Vera looked at her incredulously.

Mmhmm. I practiced it for a while.

When did you start? I’ve never heard of this!

I learned it from my master in the hills when I used to stay in the suburbs.

Everyone unanimously jumped to the conclusion that she probably picked up kickboxing from some random old man in the suburbs, and was just fortunate that Orson happened to like kickboxing as well. He probably liked her because she was young and knew a little kickboxing-

There was no way she was proficient at it. She probably knew some runofthemill moves, at most.

Why did Kay address you as her master?

Chapter 51



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