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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 513

“I need a favor, Thaddeus.”

“Come on, Ms. Bonnie! There’s no need to call it favor or anything like that. Just give it to me straight. What do you need?”

“Does your family own Grand Meadow Mall?” Bonnie asked.

“We do. What’s wrong?”

After Bonnie told him about everything that had happened, he said, “Kara has done it now. I’ll make her pay! Give me a minute, and I’ll be right there.”

“You don’t have to come here. A phone call will suffice.” Bonnie did not want to trouble him too much.

Still, Thaddeus insisted, “That won’t do! Not only are you my mentor, but you also found my long-lost brother. I can’t stand idly by while someone from the branch family picks on you, on my territory, no less.”

“Okay, then. If you insist.”

Twenty-odd minutes later, Kara swaggered over and told Bonnie, “You have three minutes left. Things aren’t looking good for you. Everyone’s recording this with their phones, y’know. Some are even livestreaming it.

“I thought you said we’d beg you to shop in our mall in less than thirty minutes. I’m standing here, yet you can do nothing to me.”

Although Bonnie ignored Kara, the latter showed Bonnie her phone and said, “There are a lot of viewers waiting for your little show. Some even say you’re bluffing to keep your pride and that you’ll probably run with your tail between your legs when no one’s watching.

“Look, people are even reminding you there are only a minute and forty-three seconds remaining. Hmm, here are some interesting results. Someone said your shamelessness knows no bounds. It’s no wonder you seduced Orpheus.”


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