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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 528

Bonnie opened the car door and walked over to Ivor.

“Didn’t you say you were busy and couldn’t pick me up?”

“Did you buy that?” He chuckled before taking off his coat and putting it on her. She felt the warmth from his coat, but the truth was that his gesture warmed her heart as well.

“Damn! Her fiance is stunning!” Titus’s eyes sparkled as he stared at Ivor. “I mean it, too. I’m straight, but I’m willing to go home with him.”

Rhys’s lips twitched uncontrollably at that. Turning around, he realized his best friend was almost drooling over Ivor.

‘He didn’t even have any reaction when he saw Bonnie earlier. She’s a beauty, too. Give him a good-looking guy and he slobbers over him. Could it be that he likes guys?’

“It doesn’t mean anything to have good looks. Bonnie could be his sugar mommy for all we know.”

He saw Floyd, who showed up at the art exhibition earlier, walking over to Ivor.

“I’ve done everything you asked for, Mr. Ivor.”

“Hmm. Well done.”

Rhys gulped heavily before looking at Titus. “D-Did you see the way the Knight family’s assistant addressed the handsome guy?”

“I-I heard it. H-He’s treating the handsome guy the way he would a boss.”

At the next moment, both of them gasped.

‘Wait! Bonnie’s boyfriend is the CEO of the Knight Group! How crazy is this? We have to tell our friends about this.’

Before long, they sent a group text to their high school friends.

“I’ve got some earth-shattering news!”

The moment he sent this text, everyone popped up in the group chat and composed their replies.

“What’s going on? Are you getting married?”

“I think he got a lady pregnant before marriage.”


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